RT by @john4brexit: A YouGov poll in The Times says only 35% of Tories trust Sunak on the immigration issue against 54% who trust Reform’s Nigel Farage.
Easy to give a 👍 to Farage as he’s not in office but gives his views from a TV studio. More jaw jaw than war war.
But what the Tories do trust is his instinct on the issue.
Under his watch I don’t believe a piece of filth called Khairi Saadallah would have been allowed to spend years in our country.
In fact under Farage he would never have been allowed to come here in the first place.
Saadallah arrived in 2013 from Libya. He was a member of Ansar al-Sharia, the anti-Western death cult which had killed a US ambassador.
As a Jihardist he had been trained to kill. There then followed years of violent behaviour, drugs, and convictions for assault. But he was never deported. Why?
While in jail for the he spends time with a radical preacher. Fifteen days after leaving he goes to a park in Forbury Gardens, Reading, where three male friends are enjoying a summer evening.
Shouting Allahu Akbar he murders all three by stabbing each of them just once in the neck. He had been trained to kill back in Libya.
All three were members of the LGBT community and when arrested Saadallah referred to them as “wrong uns” so you might think their sexuality had something to do with a Muslim murderer.
The police, in their evidence, tried hard not to make that link.
He is now serving at our expense a whole life sentence and the pain of his actions were replayed at the inquest of the three this week.
The families spoke movingly about their loss and the great people they were.
My question is how did a drug taking, violent criminal with Jihardist background spend seven years here without somebody, anybody, saying we should kick him out?
Apparently the Home Office thought Libya too dangerous for him. A park in Reading proved too dangerous for three f…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/kelvmackenzie/status/1747927258965102837#m
[2024-01-18 10:21 UTC]