RT @penas_alvaro: La invasión de Ucrania ha cambiado por completo la visión que muchos tenían de la realidad. Muchos occidentales se han dado cuenta de que el gasto militar no es innecesario o de la importancia del patriotismo o de la denostada masculinidad. @jaakmadison
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/JaakMadison/status/1560898645389631489
RT @Europarl_ET: Kell 10.00 algavat arutelu “Mis on rahu hind Euroopas?" @Arvamusfestival saab jälgida http://eptwitter.eu/q8zw
Osalevad Euroopa Parlamendi liikmed @RihoTerras, @marinakaljurand, @svenmikser, @Ansip_EU, @Urmaspaet ja @jaakmadison.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/JaakMadison/status/1558376854616162304
RT @Europarl_ET: Laupäeval, 13. augustil kl 10.00 toimub @Arvamusfestival arutelu “Mis on rahu hind Euroopas?“, millel osalevad Eestist valitud Euroopa Parlamendi liikmed @RihoTerras, @marinakaljurand, @svenmikser, @Ansip_EU, @Urmaspaet ja @jaakmadison
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/JaakMadison/status/1557989031564255232
@krahmax A lot has done already - this former president @KerstiKaljulaid is not anymore in charge. At least something has changed and the new president @AlarKaris is way more professional. But also there is nothing to do with Russia - we can deal with own jerks and Russians can stay away.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/JaakMadison/status/1557841075494158338
RT @Europarl_ET: Juba nädala pärast, 13. augustil, on meie Euroopa Parlamendi liikmed @RihoTerras, @marinakaljurand, @svenmikser, @Ansip_EU, @Urmaspaet ja @jaakmadison taas @Arvamusfestival, et arutada, mis on rahu hind Euroopas.
🕗Arutelu kell 10, juhib Johannes Tralla.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/JaakMadison/status/1555827544246702080
RT @JackPosobiec: Shinzo Abe has been one of the fiercest anti-communists in all of Asia and was never afraid to stand up to the CCP. He dedicated his life to defending his country
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/JaakMadison/status/1545394290746081280
@KadriLiik It wouldn’t. Be more classy and professional.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/JaakMadison/status/1545081693492723712
@GuyVerhofstadt You can of course hope whatever you want - very probably you are again wrong :)
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/JaakMadison/status/1545077560752717827
@jubejuss Teades Urmast, siis ma julgen väita, et tal pole kindlasti poogen. Kuid point on iseenesest õige: valitsus ei saa kutsuda kokku Riigikogu erakorralist istungit. Seda saab teha Riigikogu esimees.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/JaakMadison/status/1544414876923297794
Turkey found an agreement with Finland and Sweden and our neighbors will join with NATO. Very good news. Tervetuloa and välkommen!🇫🇮🇸🇪
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/JaakMadison/status/1541878179484389377
@karengeier @esaagar Not at all understanding jokes, totally 0% of humor I have if the joke is pretty bad. Like most of the “jokes” they try to do in EP.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/JaakMadison/status/1541545680229044225
@karengeier @esaagar England is still in Europe. Europe ≠ EU.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/JaakMadison/status/1541544710984159233
RT @EAuksmann: Anyone who talks about the right to choose over their own body should start by choosing to use this particular organ. Maybe then they will learn to distinguish between their own body and that of another living being. #RoeVsWade #prochoice #ProLife #abortion
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/JaakMadison/status/1541483015410442251
RT @Cernovich: Man gets someone pregnant. Has to pay child support even if he’s denied visitation. Missed a payment and goes to jail.
Everyone says, “He should have thought about that before having sex.”
There you go.
Welcome to equal rights.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/JaakMadison/status/1541203132885131265
RT @roddreher: Your terms are acceptable, madam.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/JaakMadison/status/1541200287595102209
RT @Rahumagi: @saar_simmo USAs toimuv on hea meeldetutus sellest, et vinti üle keerates hakkavad vältimatukt toimuma protsessid, mis keeravad vindi teisele poole üle.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/JaakMadison/status/1540998028164734976
@Allium_II Täpsustan - kohtumine suvalistega. Samas 23 000 valijaga arvestades on alla 700 lihtsameelse marginaalne number. Nende äng on minu rõõm.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/JaakMadison/status/1540802789051248641
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ MEP from Estonia. Foreign Affairs Committee. Vice Chair of Conservative People's Party of Estonia.