RT by @jaakmadison: “The ID Group continues its fight against the ever-widening censorship in the EU. The next chance for the Europeans to make their stand is at the 2024 elections.” - @jaakmadison 🇪🇪

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/IDGroupEP/status/175

[2024-01-26 13:00 UTC]

RT by @jaakmadison: youtube.com/watch?v=hf5-FyVNYH

Watch our interview with Estonian MEP @jaakmadison

Madison discusses the critical elections in the EU, US, and elsewhere that are set to take place this year and how they might affect the current left-liberal international order. He also touches upon topics like election fraud, globalist fear-mongering tactics being employed to inhibit the continued rise of right-wing parties, attempts to centralize power in Brussels, and the fallout from the Russo-Ukrainian war, among other things.

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/V_of_Europe/status/1

[2024-01-26 10:09 UTC]

RT by @jaakmadison: 🇺🇦🇪🇪🚨‼️ BREAKING: Estonia calls all Ukrainian men abroad COWARDS, on behalf of Zelensky.

They want to return them to Ukraine.

-> Hey Twitter generals, you’re officially cowards now. 🤷‍♂️

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/MyLordBebo/status/17

[2024-01-16 10:32 UTC]

RT by @jaakmadison: 📹 | A quick look into the European Parliament and the Identity and Democracy Group with MEP Jaak Madison (@jaakmadison), head of the Estonian delegation Eesti Konservatiivne Rahvaerakond 🇪🇪.

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/IDGroupEP/status/173

[2023-12-18 14:30 UTC]

RT by @jaakmadison: If Putin thinks he can invade his neighbor with impunity, he will not stop with Ukraine. Putin will invade a NATO nation which will draw our troops into war with Russia. It’s critical to our national security that Ukraine has the weapons it needs to put up a great fight.

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/SenatorRomney/status

[2023-12-11 17:07 UTC]

RT by @jaakmadison: "Granting additional powers to Brussels carries the risk of losing national sovereignty and limiting our ability to make decisions in line with our interests and values." - @jaakmadison 🇪🇪

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/IDGroupEP/status/173

[2023-12-06 13:32 UTC]

Will the European Union restore cultural relations with Russia? Once again, the European Film Festival will take place in Russia as if nothing had happened. Russians can enjoy European films while their army destroys Ukrainian museums, theaters and cinemas.

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/JaakMadison/status/1

[2023-11-08 18:54 UTC]

RT by @jaakmadison: 🇵🇫 Suite à la venue en Polynésie française de trois députés du Parlement européen, @IvanDav73523299, @jaakmadison, @MarkusBuchheit ainsi que la Staff, Mme Miriana Stantcheva, du groupe Identité et Démocratie au Parlement.

Nous remercions le Président de la Polynésie française, @Moetai1, accompagné de la déléguée aux Affaires Internationales Européennes et du Pacifique, Mme Mareva Lechat-Kitalong, pour son invitation à une réunion de travail à la Présidence.

Les députés européens ont échangé avec le Président sur les soutiens possibles qu'ils pourraient apporter à la Polynésie dans la recherche de financements européens à travers les divers programmes existants, auxquels les acteurs publics et privés polynésiens pourraient accéder.

Nous tenons aussi à remercier chaleureusement le Haut-commissaire de la République en Polynésie française, Éric Spitz, de nous avoir reçus afin d'échanger nos points de vue sur la situation géopolitique, stratégique et économique pour les années à venir dans cette région Indo-Pacifique, si importante pour le monde occidental.

Éric Minardi

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/Eric__Minardi/status

[2023-11-08 09:43 UTC]

RT by @jaakmadison: Kas tormituuled erakondade toetusmaastikul jätkuvad ka sel nädalal ja milline on EKRE perspektiiv viimaste kuude muutustele? Stuudios koos minuga @jaakmadison ​. Vaata täna Postimees TV-s kell 13.15!


🐦🔗: nitter.cz/martinmolder/status/

[2023-11-07 07:23 UTC]

RT by @jaakmadison: "Competition is what has created the level of development we have today. If the contribution of the individual is no longer valued, development will no longer take place." - @jaakmadison 🇪🇪

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/IDGroupEP/status/171

[2023-10-20 11:00 UTC]

Hamas, which is murdering Israeli babies, has called for Jihad around the world. At the same time, Europe has no idea how many illegals we have moving freely, some of whom are terrorists. This war is just part of the global problem with evil like Iran, Russia and Hamas.

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/JaakMadison/status/1

[2023-10-18 10:07 UTC]

RT by @jaakmadison: 🎤A l’invitation de mon collègue @jaakmadison j’ai participé à une présentation par Sohan Dasgupta au Parlement européen suivie d’une table ronde.
Sujets : internationale et


🐦🔗: nitter.cz/ChagnonPatricia/stat

[2023-09-19 16:12 UTC]

RT by @jaakmadison: The main argument for American support of the war is not that it helps Ukrainians but that it hurts Russians. Just watch the video.

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/MaxAbrahms/status/17

[2023-09-24 10:41 UTC]

RT by @jaakmadison: “The 2024 elections will give us the possibility to change the leadership of Europe.” - @jaakmadison 🇪🇪

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/IDGroupEP/status/170

[2023-09-25 12:01 UTC]

RT by @jaakmadison: ⚠️🚨THE FACTS DON'T MATTER
to the Left.

They want mandatory RELOCATION of illegal immigrants! No matter what!

🇪🇪🇸🇪Conservatives @jaakmadison & @weimers called out their lies in the European Parliament!

🐦🔗: nitter.cz/laszloan/status/1709

[2023-10-05 17:51 UTC]

RT by @jaakmadison: Today, 9 October 2023, South Africa, University of Pretoria.


🐦🔗: nitter.cz/twatterbaas/status/1

[2023-10-09 08:24 UTC]

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