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RT by @iwiseler: Defenders of Ukraine!
Words cannot fully express the depth of our gratitude to you. We thank you for all we have and aspire to, for the opportunity to live on our land and build our country where freedom and justice prevail.

Above all, we eagerly await your return with Victory. Know that while you fight, we are working to ensure a solid foundation awaits you when you come back.
Please accept our eternal gratitude, respect, and support.

Glory to the Heroes!


[2023-10-01 06:33 UTC]

RT by @iwiseler: Today, the enters into force for our Union.

It aims to protect women from violence, and to prevent, prosecute, and eliminate it.

We will only live in a truly fair and equal Union when women and girls no longer live in fear of violence.


[2023-10-01 07:00 UTC]

RT by @iwiseler: Poles want a strong and democratic Poland in the heart of the EU. 

Today, they took to the streets again to show their desire and demand for change. 

What vibrant energy in Warsaw! We are with you! 


[2023-10-01 11:42 UTC]

RT by @iwiseler: On Thursday, October 5, CPJ's EU Representative @at_tgibson will be speaking in the panel “Journalism in times of war and crisis”

Keynote speech: @olya_rudenko, @KyivIndependent

- Olha Herasymiuk, @NacRada
- Sabīne Sīle, Director, Media Hub Riga
- @iwiseler, MEP (PPE), Rapporteur for the Report on the protection of journalists around the world and the European Union’s policy on the matter
- CPJ's EU Representative @at_tgibson

More info about the conference “The Pen is Mighter Than the Sword?” and livestream:

@Latvian_MFA @KM_kultura @tiesibsargs_lv @coe


[2023-10-03 20:07 UTC]

RT by @iwiseler: Kharkiv, Russian strike this morning.
A child, a boy, 10 years old... My condolences to his family and loved ones!
Over 20 people have been injured. All the injured are receiving the necessary assistance.
The rescue operation is ongoing, and I thank everyone who is helping our people.
I also express my gratitude to all our warriors who, despite everything, are moving forward, defeating the occupiers, and bringing justice for Russian crimes closer. Our resilience, our movement, and the daily losses of the occupiers are the response to Russian terror.


[2023-10-06 08:09 UTC]

RT by @iwiseler: "With the European Act, we are taking another important step to protect our media and our democracies", says MEP @sabineverheyen.

Hear more about the Act adopted this week in the . 👇🏽


[2023-10-06 10:18 UTC]

Grateful to
for invitating me to Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
in Riga
I met
and two young Russian journalists in exile. Their work to INFORM in Russian is of outmost importance to counter disinformation.


[2023-10-06 10:58 UTC]

/ M. Zelensky dit si vrai ! Prendre conscience des dangers et des défis ! Construire notre défense UE doit devenir une absolue priorité ! Chercher à atteindre autant que possible une autonomie stratégique doit être le but !


[2023-10-06 13:11 UTC]

RT by @iwiseler: The rewards freedom of thought.

Who better to represent this than Jina and the Iranian women?



[2023-10-14 15:00 UTC]

RT Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya
We still don't have any news from political prisoner Viktar Babaryka since he was admitted to a hospital in April. Now the regime is selling his belongings. They are using confiscation & vandalism as another form of punishment. It's pure revenge against all who dare to resist.


This is how authoritarian regimes function! Arbitrariness reigns, you are at the mercy of those in power.

<div class="rsshub-quote">
Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya: For 1,000 days, journalist Katsiaryna Andreeva has been held as a political prisoner. Just as her 2-year sentence was nearing its end, they added 8 more years. This is sheer revenge against a true hero. They may imprison journalists, but the truth will always find its way out.


RT Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya
This is us. This is Belarus.
More than 30 events in 15 countries today.
Rallies, exhibitions, concerts, actions of solidarity.
Don't let anyone tell you that we don't exist.


<div class="rsshub-quote">
Roberta Metsola: 3 years ago, the people of Belarus chose a new direction for their country: freedom, sovereignty and democracy.
Instead they are facing political persecution, threats and imprisonment.
Europe stands strong with the people of Belarus. And Lukashenko is to be held accountable.


Numerous actions show Ukraine’s determination to combat corruption! @AndriyKostinUa new initiative.
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Andriy Kostin: Today, I signed the concept of the Community Prosecutor project. This new initiative is aimed at the practical implementation of the principle: people's interests must be at the heart of the prosecutors' and law enforcement officers' work.
Selected prosecutors in the regions…


RT European Parliament in ASEAN
🎧 မိမိတို့ရဲ့ မူစီယာဝါရာ podcast အပိုင်း ၈ ကို ယခုအွန်လိုင်းပေါ်မှာ နားဆင်လို့ရပါပြီ။ ဥရောပပါလီမန်အဖွဲ့ဝင် @iwiseler က မီဒီယာလွတ်လပ်ခွင့်နဲ့ ကမ္ဘာတလွှားက ဂျာနယ်လစ်များကို ကာကွယ်ပေးခြင်း အကြောင်းအရာတို့အား @cape_diamond နှင့်အတူ ဆွေးနွေးထားပါတယ်။


RT Baha'i International Community
Thank you to Members of the European Parliament for your support so far!

@toni_comin, @ErnstCornelia, @FitzgeraldFrncs, @GeukingHelmut, @bgroothuis, @rjukneviciene, Dietmar Köster, @HNeumannMEP, @spietikainen, @iwiseler, @salima_yenbou


Summer has come again. Many of us are in holiday. But no way we get used to this horrible, unjust war against Ukraine. Bombing on cities. Civilians, men, women, children are dying. World cultural heritage destroyed. Accountability! for as long as it takes.
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Andriy Kostin: Odesa. At least one person was killed, and many injured. Russia proves once again that its primary goal is to inflict harm upon peaceful Ukrainians. Claims of Russian spirituality ring hollow when the UNESCO-protected historic center is targeted with missiles, and the city's…


Adopté ! Le rapport sur « la protection des journalistes dans le monde et la politique de l’Union européenne dans ce domaine » pour lequel je suis rapporteur a été adopté à très large majorité en session plénière à Strasbourg. @EPPGroup


RT Baha'i International Community
Video support by Isabel Wiseler-Lima (@iwiseler), member of the European Parliament on Human Rights, on the execution of the ten Baha'i women forty years ago
صحبت‌های Isabel Wiseler-Lima عضو پارلمان اروپا درباره ۱۰زن


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