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Great thread on how rule of law works in Russia 🤣
RT @kamilkazani: On a highway leading from Chechnya to Dagestan there is a traffic light. It is always red. Every day thousands of cars have to drive through this 24/7 red light to pass from one region to another. This isn't a mistake, but a well-organised system. Look at the arc on the right 🧵


For someone to give you a visa so you can escape your sh*thole hovel, it really helps not to act just like all the people who made and have kept it a sh*thole hovel.

-- ancient Livonian proverb (12th Century).


Ilmselt tahetakse hoopis "rassilist puhtust". Millegipärast on rääkinud "tõupuhtusest" läbi eesti ajaloo, just need kelle põhimure on hoopis konkurents mõne andekamaga.
RT @kaimarkaru: "Me ei tohi ka põgenikke põlistada, õpetada neile eesti keelt, panna nad eesti koolidesse. [...]" rääkis Valge.

Suuname siis ukrainlased vene koolidesse? Põlistame Eestis hoopis vene keelt?

Twitter vist bänniks mind mõttes Valgele suunatud sõnade eest.

I love the imperial mindset that demands I answer their questions because...

because what?

Superiority? A failure to understand you are no longer the Übermensch? That I have no obligation to answer Kinderstubelos chavs who take their style from Solovov? Because you a boor?


🤣😂🤡 And what about all the American Indians the US killed in the 19th Century? And what about Vietnam, about Iraq and weren't there Estonians in the German army. What about? what about? what about?

But I am given to understand I need to answer a whataboutist troll.
RT @mironov_fm: @ArnisRG @Maverick_road @ilvestoomas @kajakallas Каждый эстонский политик ломается на вопросе о грязных российских деньгах, правда @ilvestoomas и @kajakallas ?


When this horrific, genocidal war is over:

Ukrainian soldiers, having given all to defend their country, will not tolerate any corruption still left by then.

Russians, having invaded to rob, loot, torture and rape, will return home wanting to do more of the same with impunity.


With an impoverished, post-war Russia flooded with brutal returning, still armed mercenaries and other blatnoi thug-trash, the early 1990s will seem like Andy of Mayberry.

Who's nominally in charge won't matter, it will be anarchic chaos.Dig the moat. 1/2


Igal juhul valgub üle Sarmaatia sõjajärgseid lagendikke relvastatud ex-palgasõdurite mass, mis teeb Venemaast veelgi kuritegelikuma düstoopia kui 90ndail.

Võitja või kaotaja, Venet ootab ees kohutav vägivaldne anarhhia. Pea asi, et see üle piiri ei valgu.


While those that stayed on the sidelines or dithered should understand they've lost much of the political capital they had before being tested.

Why should e.g. Germany, have anything to say about Ukraine's NATO membership. Because of all the support it gave? Its superb army?
RT @andrewmichta: Europe’s security equation will not be solved until is anchored in the transatlantic architecture, either through @NATO membership …


¿Por que?
RT @nicolasdepedro: Putin, acompañado de Díaz-Canel, inaugura una estatua de Fidel Castro en Moscú.


*These* are heinous crimes, not this petty vandalism of a propaganda monument:
RT @LV_RUSEMBAS: Right after the celebration of the Independence Day of 🇱🇻, residents of in the Jelgava region have discovered another act of vandalism committed on a fraternal military burial – the inscription "Glory to the Heroes" in 🇷🇺 and 🇱🇻 has been torn off from the memorial wall.

🐦🔗: https://nitter.

Let's start with Russia's illegal seizure of Ukrainian ships in 2019.
RT @RussiaUN: : In light of the regional specifics of and armed robbery at sea, we continue to advocate for establishment of a specialized mechanism under UN auspices to address the entire range of issues related to combating crime.


The Marshall Plan idea for Russia not getting a big round of applause from all the CEE EU countries that would have to approve such a thing.

I guess the past 33 years, including the decade Russia was “liberal” have left an indelible impression.

RT @KuldkeppMart: @SpaghettiKozak Transitioning straight from Operation Barbarossa to Marshall Plan without the inconvenience of having its own cities bombed and the country divided u…


This happens only when the security police no longer believe they must defend the regime. It may take a while but this the end of this dictatorship.
RT @ThomasVLinge: : incredible footage from the city of where riot police are cheered on by the people as they refuse to crack down on anti-regime protests.


An amazing thread.
RT @TheStanislawski: Exactly 9 years ago today, I was in a pub with my uni pals when we heard the news that then-president Yanukovych would not sign the association agreement with the EU, crushing Ukraine's European hopes and locking us to Russia.

We were not buying it.

Here's what happened next 🧵


Thread. This too is NATO’s failure I guess.
RT @ChrisO_wiki: 1/ The Russian prisoners' rights group Gulagu Net reports that a convict named Viktor Anatolyevich Sevalnev has been taken from his hospital bed, where he was being treated for battle wounds, to be shot after the unit he was commanding retreated from the front line. ⬇️


In fact Germany even *supported* Gorbachev when he had people in Lithuania and Latvia killed in 1991.
RT @ilvestoomas: @DrRadchenko Yet Germany pushed much harder to integrate Russia than it did to integrate Eastern Europe, even to the point of opposing Baltic *independence* and later trying to veto their membership in the E

RT @politica_media: Согласится ли Запад после войны провести план Маршалла не только для Украины, но и для России?

«Он нужен, чтобы не было вновь этого чувства несправедливости, а чтобы было чувство благодарности и желание вновь налаживать отношения».



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