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Dear Anne @moutet, as my go-to person to understand French politics, what is your president really saying here? Is it as anti-CEE as it seems?

RT @visegrad24: Another scandalous statement on Ukraine by Macron.

He basically calls Central Eastern European nations such as Czechia, the Baltic states and Poland for “most war-mongering countries that risk of extending the conflict.”

He says Brussels can’t…


Great thread. But these interviewsare pretty much of a disaster if you want to show that German industry is not the crass, valueless mercantile behemoth in the we'll-do-anything-for-money tradition of IG Farben and Krupp it is seen to be. Niemals wieder indeed.
RT @thorstenbenner: Two interviews by new Volkswagen CEO Blume & Daimler CEO Källenius in @tagesspiegel & @welt this weekend make it crystal clear:
No Zeitenwende whatsoever…


The Russians killed more people in Mariupol than Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined.

And then are offended at being called Orcs or by a mild tightening of visa policy.

Some Western European leaders might also contemplate the first sentence above.
RT @Biz_Ukraine_Mag: This photo shows Mariupol in January 2022. Within weeks, the invading Russian army would transform this Ukrainian winter wonderland into a city of the dead. Putin’s t…


Imagine if Storm(y) Danielle(s) hit Mar-A-Lago... 🍄
RT @nytimes: Tropical Storm Danielle again strengthened into a hurricane late Saturday — the first of the 2022 Atlantic season— and was expected to meander over open water for the next few days, posing no immediate threat to land, forecasters said.


This will have interesting consequences for Russian armor and ammo logistics in Ukraine.
RT @TengstromAnders: Russian railways are grinding to a halt - why?

Because they can't replace worn out bearings on their train carriers.

Why can't they do that?

Because Swedish SKF closed their factory in Tver (RU) in mars and the output produced was for the RU railways.


Another absolutely must read explainer thread from @kamilkazani
RT @kamilkazani: Now we associate Gorbachev with Perestroika, which in its turn is interpreted as nice Gorbachev being nice. In reality, in the beginning of his rule Gorbachev continued Andropov's Neo-Stalinist policies. But then the oil price dropped and didn't bounce back. Hence, Perestroika🧵


Millal meie paremäärmuslased, uhuulased, lamemaalased ja Stalnuhhini jüngrid korraldavad meile sellise asja, @ebavalitsus @lugejakiri?
RT @_JakubJanda: Prague demonstration of 70 000:

Led by far right, anti vax and pro-Kremlin fringe forces managed to use fears of high energy prices to call for defacto capitulation to Russia.

While it shows social fears among wider classes, it does not change Czech govt policy on Ukraine.


Thread from @PhillipsPOBrien:
RT @PhillipsPOBrien: Weekend Update, Battle of the Bridges, week 2 or week 8 (doesnt really matter). Ukrainian strategy now seems confirmed, the Russians have behaved as expected, and its a question now of logistics and attrition.


You gave everyone the icon they were missing. You are brilliant, or you have a agent at the mission.
RT @RF_OSCE: : Власти Латвии зациклены на тотальной дискриминации русскоязычного населения, нацеленной на лишение их идентичности, языка, а также исторической памяти. В Польше и Эстонии продолжается разрушение советского историко-мемориального наследия


This is unreal. Seriously insane.
RT @Gerashchenko_en: Soviet concentration camps were much better than German ones! Personalities were grown there.

So, people, if you want to become a personality, a someone - you are very welcome to a Russian concentration camp!

English subtitles


Um, was he not violating the Hippocratic oath?
RT @patriottakes: Speaking to the National Governors Association in 2013, Dr. Oz admitted to denying life saving medical procedures to smokers.

Oz: “As a heart surgeon… I pledged I would never operate on smokers, and I don’t.”


‼️This ‼️⬇️

This is so archetypal: Let's do everything to destroy the place we enjoy s much to visit so that the people who live here have to live like us.
RT @KremlinTrolls: Bit extreme.


The investigative team needs to look into this.
RT @arseholepaladin: hey , these poisoners want to know where the people they tried - and failed - to murder are.


At this point so much spaghetti has been thrown at the wall they had to empty out three supermarkets around Mar-A-Lago.

Yet, unlike the ketchup on the White House Oval Office wall, none of it is sticking.
RT @AWeissmann_: Trump counsel: what was found is what you would expect if you packed "in a hurry."
Was Trump in a hurry for 18 months thereafter? And in a hurry when he lied and said he returned everything?


Didn't manage to get a visa to Europe but the sad thing is that with his criminal record for multiple murderss wiped clean for joining the Russian army, there is *nothing* that would have prevented him from getting one.


Nordstream committed suicide when it fell out of the Overton window Russia itself had pushed too wide open with its genocidal behavior.


You missed out on this too, @gtconway3d
RT @ianbremmer: thousands throw tomatoes at each other in world’s largest food fight: ‘la tomatina’ festival in buñol, spain

coming next month: the world’s worst salsa tasting


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