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The principles agreed by the @OSCE have undoubtedly been violated many times by Russia in the most brutal and horrific ways possible. So we face a simple choice: Either we stand by our principles, or we don't.


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In my speech today at the @OSCE I asked a simple question:
Is the Helsinki Final Act a meaningful agreement on important shared principles, or just a list of guidelines that can be ignored without consequences?


Our strategy needs to be rethought and reflected in a new security architecture that will ensure the safety of the continent for decades to come. And we should start creating this new system with Ukraine, not with Putin’s Russia.


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Reliance on economic exchange as a principle of mutual assurance, desecuritization, veto power on security issues given to the aggressors – these are some of the misconceptions which failed to ensure the safety of the continent.


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It is in Europe's interest to fight off and defeat the invader. After this defeat a new system needs to be created out of the lessons learnt from previous mistakes.


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First Russia has to face defeat on the battlefield. For that Ukraine needs all our help. All the weapons, all the assistance we can give. Otherwise Russia will continue trying to reinvent the continent according to its own imperialist world vision.


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With previous conflicts in Europe, the security architecture was rethought after the fighting ended, new structures appeared. For example, the United Nations appeared after mistakes made during the League of Nations era.


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International organisations completely failed to prevent conflict of a magnitude unseen in Europe since WW2. At the very least there must be change within those organizations. But we should not rule out the possibility of some organisations disappearing and new ones forming.


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The creeping normalisation of Russia's actions is fundamentally wrong. Also misguided is the belief that the current security architecture of multilateral regional and global organizations must be preserved as the ‘best we have’.


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That isn’t how the rules-based international order works. Russia shouldn’t get invited to ‘peace’ negotiations as a reward for brutally invading, occupying and murdering its neighbours again and again.


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The tactic of leaving Russia undefeated and ready for future partnership is toxic. It leads to calls to end the war by negotiation instead of ending it with a Ukrainian victory. Some even suggest Ukrainian territorial concessions to the invaders as a gift.


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Why aren’t we sending Ukraine all the tools needed to end the war? Why are we avoiding specifics during the debate on Ukraine‘s membership of NATO? Because the belief is still alive that after the war we can return to business as usual, as if February 24th was just a glitch.


Lithuania, Poland and Estonia managed to convince our friends to agree to a 5$ lower cap on oil than initially proposed. A 60$ cap is better than no cap, but we must do more. We must move forward with sanctions and further isolation of Russia. Brutality must have consequences.


My message to fellow foreign ministers at today's NATO meeting is simple: Keep calm and give tanks.


Meeting with the President @ZelenskyUA made it clear - we should not lose sight of the main task - Ukraine has to win on the battlefield. Tanks, air defence systems, other heavy weaponry will bring Ukrainian victory faster.


We, the Ministers of Foreign Affairs from 🇪🇪🇫🇮🇮🇸🇱🇻🇱🇹🇳🇴🇸🇪, are in Kyiv today in full solidarity with Ukraine. Despite Russia's bomb rains and barbaric brutality Ukraine will win!


Today we remember the Holodomor. We remember the victims of Stalin's genocide in Ukraine as we continue to fight against Putin's genocide in Ukraine.
We remember that Ukraine is unbreakable.


Thank you @AHuitfeldt for a warm welcome in the High North - Nordic Baltic friendship is a unique example of regional unity & a way forward to security of the European continent.
Thank you, @Forsvaret, for standing shoulder to shoulder with us in defence of Lithuania.


Spoke with @nicupopescu about situation in Moldova and power outages caused by Russia. Need to help Moldova restore and sustain its power. More air defence capacity to Ukraine will help avoid this from ever happening again.


Armenians protesting Putin's visit to Yerevan remind me of Lithuanians protesting Gorbachev's visit to Vilnius in 1990. That day thousands of us showed that flags, banners and songs can repel dictators who try to take our freedom.


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