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RT EU EOM Sierra Leone 2023
“We as a mission stand ready to observe the conduct of those 2023 elections shoulder to shoulder with Sierra Leonean people till the completion of the electoral process,” said the Chief Observer Evin Incir to short-term observers on the day of their deployment.


RT EP Democracy Support
🇸🇱General Elections: the EP Election Observation Delegation is in Freetown, now meeting the EU Ambassador, Manuel Müller @EUAmbME, and other Heads of Missions and diplomats


RT EU EOM Sierra Leone 2023
EUEOM Chief Observer @evinincir in coordination meeting for Heads of International Election Observation Missions Dr Mohamed Ibn Chambas (@Ecowas), H.E. Hailemariam Desalegn Boshe (@_AfricanUnion), H.E. Yemi Osinbajo (@commonwealthsec) and H.E. Cameron Hume (@CarterCenter)


RT EU EOM Sierra Leone 2023
A Delegation of Members of the European Parliament (MEP), headed by Georgios KYRTSOS has joined the EUEOM. Here Chief Observer @evinincir and MEP delegation meeting Chief Justice. @GiorgosKyrtsos @europarl_en


🇪🇺 🇸🇱 Idag kan du läsa om mitt uppdrag som EU:s chefsvalobservatör i Sierra Leone @Global_Bar
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Global Bar Magazine: Som den första svensken på tjugo år – och som en av mycket få kvinnor – leder @evinincir EU:s valobservationsgrupp i Sierra Leone där valen äger rum den 24 juni. Nu hoppas hon att fler svenskar ska bli valobservatörer i framtiden.


RT Global Bar Magazine
Bara i sommar förväntas fler än 12 000 kvinnor och flickor runt om i världen att dödas av en partner eller familjemedlem. Nu startar @KvinnaKvinnaSWE en blixtinsamling för att stödja utsatta kvinnor. @ptandorff


RT EU EOM Sierra Leone 2023
Since 6:30 AM EUOM Chief Observer @evinincir is at the polling station in Freetown observing. Here with H.E. Yemi Osinbajo, the head of the Commonwealth observer group discussing the preparations made at the polling station. @ProfOsinbajo


RT EU EOM Sierra Leone 2023
“I am calling on all stakeholders to ensure a peaceful and transparent conduct of the polls. The right of every voter to cast his or her vote in a peaceful environment without intimidation is crucial to the upholding of any democracy” said EUEOM Chief Observer @evinincir.


RT EU EOM Sierra Leone 2023
“By sending an election observation mission for the fifth time, the EU shows its long term commitment to support democratic processes in Sierra Leone” declared Chief Observer @evinincir .


RT @FitzgeraldFrncs: 🗞️☕️ | Catching up with with my co-rapporteur & colleague @evinincir ahead of a joint interview on @europarl_en report on the Directive to combat Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence.


RT @EuropeanWomen: "1 in 3 women in Europe have faced some type of physical and/or sexual violence. Women's rights are human rights, and that needs to be clear to everyone. The European Parliament will fight to strengthen the Directive on and protect women across the EU." - MEP @evinincir


We must make sure Polish elections this fall are free and fair!

Listen to the debate in on a new law allowing Kaczynski’s PIS to ban its critics or political opponents from public life, without due process.


RT @Global_Bar: Hur firar du nationaldagen?

Global Bar Magazine har under våren ställt en fråga i veckan till fem personer runt om i världen. Nu frågar vi Aliona Melnyk, @ParulHumanRight, Mariela Concha Ferreira, @evinincir och @KurdoBaksi : Hur firar du nationaldagen?


La violencia en los territorios ocupados palestinos perpetrada por Israel no cesa.
Hoy hemos invitado a la organización israelí @btselem para que nos acercase, a través de realidad virtual, al avance de los asentamientos ilegales y a la violencia en los territorios.


Settler violence is a daily problem for many . It is intensifying and surrounded with impunity. To draw attention to it, I co-hosted today, together with @evinincir, @sorayarr_ and Israeli NGO @btselem, the VR installation "Settler violence as state business"👇


It was great meeting with Ukrainian women's rights activists to discuss the challenges facing Ukrainian women today.

Women's participation in political decision-making is key in combatting the disproportionate impact of the war on women, and rebuilding a more resilient society.


Ett år kvar till EU-valet – vad står på spel?

Välkommen till ett panelsamtal på fredag 2 juni där @MalinBjork_EU @jakopdalunde @evinincir @arbakokalari @davidlega @davidlega och @gvonsydow @SIEPS_Sweden diskuterar EU:s utmaningar fram till valet.


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