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If there was ever an argument for bringing back hanging this vile man’s murder of a girl for refusing a forced marriage and dumping her body like rubbish would be a good example.


Horrendous tax burden on normal workers, while super rich benefit and those avoiding not required to pay tax through’legal’ exemption makes the divide between rich & poor so great that even many Conservatives must be embarrassed.


The leaders of such communities need to speak out openly and repeatedly that forced marriages are totally unacceptable.
Living in Britain is a privilege,those supporting such barbaric practices should leave and not be allowed entry


Ofcom appreciates the critical importance , but clearly the BBC considers in reality impartiality is a minor issue compared to keeping over paid left wingers & friends happy.

If a subscription channel the BCC would soon act correctly.


This case will do horrendous damage genuine victims of sexual exploitation and damage to Police reputation for failure to investigate properly leading to innocent victims being imprisoned and driven close to understandable suicide.

Gary Lineker tweets about refugees again as BBC bosses say he'll be back on air this weekend

What appalling arrogance by Lineker and shame on the BCC for allowing this to happen.


BBC clearly out of control and unable to enforce important impartiality guidelines, so adding understandable calls it should go to voluntary subscription.

Gary Lineker hails 'predominantly tolerant' UK as he's reinstated at BBC after row over migration tweets


Given the tremendous damage Harry and his wife have done to our monarchy, our country and the military, many would wish they never return, let alone be given such privilege invites to the coronation.


As one who admired the BBC tremendously before the blatant bias over Brexit I find it sad talented actors/ directors face funding cuts due to a minority that fail to respect the critical impartiality needed of the BBC.


Lineker comments are very offensive to those who fought in the Second World War many who gave their lives and so much.
Many of their relatives may rightly feel he has abused his position and gratuitously caused offence.


France is up to normal tricks of taunting Britain by refusing to take back illegal immigrants despite previous agreement , yet even more money given to France that is absurd.
Remember pictures of French Police watching idly them launch!


This will be a waste of money unless France agrees to honour a past agreement to take back illegal immigrants.

I would not hold my breath as France has been determined to punish Britain for leaving the dictatorial EU.


Gary Lineker says he doesn't fear suspension from BBC role - and stands by his criticism of govt's migrant policy

Horrendous damage has been caused by BBC lack of impartiality, and if staff refuse to comply with the rules they should be sacked.


Surly if the Governor of the BBC is not able or willing to enforce the impartiality rules that have been agreed it is time to find a Governor that is.


Many may object strongly to a leading BBC personality expressing deeply controversial views on a highly political subject that calls into question if the BBC is able to govern itself.


RT @CatharineHoey: As I said in the Lords the Prime Minister has so oversold this new framework that when we read the EU view of it we will all see that he has been outwitted by the EU. Not sure how @RishiSunak could ever have thought this would bring back power sharing


This should have been done years ago , as currently our law , our democracy , public funds have been abused by criminals, lawyers and disgruntled civil servants,leading to an understandable frustration by law abiding citizens.


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