RT Violeta
Alongside open & free market, regulation is one of the key aspects that decide if the market is #competative.
➡️Regulation needs to be:
✅ Predictible
✅ Accessible
✅ Uniformed
✅ Incitive
✅ Discouraging 4 ⚫economy
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Employers Group of the EESC: Priority area 3⃣/3⃣
▶️Business friendly regulation and taxation
Businesses need a policy framework that fosters entrepreneurship and encourages enterprises to innovate, invest and trade
More: https://europa.eu/!kxtpDC
#FocusOnTheEssentials #competitiveness #CompetitivenessAgenda
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Jelic_Violeta/status/1687104809718206465