Now the 2 day jumbo-trialouge on EU:s climate package (ETS/CBAM/SCF) has officially started! 🇪🇺💪 I will give small hints and possible updates here!
Nu har slutförhandlingarna om EU:s klimatpaket dragit igång! Uppdateringar sker löpande…
The liberal @RenewEurope delegation are the only Swedes negotiating in the room 🇸🇪
(the incoming presidency are here for monitoring purposes - and we dearly miss @JytteGuteland who is now replaced by her rock star colleague @MChahim 🌟)
Started this morning by inviting my fellow shadow rapporteurs for prep-breakfast! @MChahim @micha_bloss
Now: first round of statements on ETS1 ambitions by Council and Parliament.
Will be followed by first round of compromises by the Commission.
15:30 the ETS team had a lunch/dinner break while the SCF team do their rounds. We continue 18:00 with shadows meeting and 18:30 next round of trialogues!
As we are still far from a deal - we decided on an early night today to get some sleep ahead of tomorrows final rounds. Therefore I’m now, at 00:47 entering (what I believe is) my last meeting of tonight!
01:37 I now officially left the building- see you tomorrow!
So, what is at stake??
On ETS1:
- the phase out curve of free allocation (CBAM)
- the overall ambition/emission curve (LRF & rebasing)
- the function of MSR (removing emissions at certain thresholds)
- the inclusion of waste in ETS
- free allocation to industry (benchmarks)
On the funds:
- the size of the innovation fund
- the name (!) and scope of the innovation fund
- should fossil energy be financed in modernization fund (?!)
- the financing of the social climate fund
On ETS2:
- will there be an ETS2?!
- can we introduce a price stability mechanism (PSM - yes, I namned it) to stabilize the price
- an emergency break
- the starting date
- a cost pass through mechanism
Sometimes it is time for ETS negotiations and sometimes it is just time for pancakes with your advisors!
My time is almost up - looks like I’m losing! 😬
A package on Europes future carbon markets is being created…
The political groups in the parliament all have to agree on the content of the deal = many aspects to consider! Right now the deal covers ETS1+ETS2+SCF+CBAM - but still a long way to go, the night is young!
We are closing in…
…back in plenary mode…
01:55 - we have a deal!!
⚠️ ETS - CBAM - SCF ⚠️
We have a deal for Europe’s climate policy in the future decade!!
So incredibly proud of this team!!
The main elements of Europe’s future climate policy:
75 % (!!) of Europe’s emissions will be covered by carbon pricing!
This is a big towards a global price on carbon and a functioning market-based system to reduce all emissions! 🙌⚠️🌟🇪🇺🔥
Sectors included:
Maritime: inclusion 2025: 40%, 2026: 70%, 2027: 100%.
Waste incineration (and other waste treatments): included in MRV 2024, review by 2026 with legislative proposal to include waste by 2028.
Road transports and buildings: Included from 2027 but…
Shadows meeting in Parliament ahead of next round in the trialogues! Today is the day people!
Meet the @RenewEurope superstar policy advisor @Wilhelm_Bargum 🙌🌟