
The government led by Donald Tusk is implementing actions that Law and Justice (PiS) has been falsely accused of for years. In the last few years, Polish opposition representatives in the European Parliament have accused Poland's United Right government of breaching the rule of law, the independence of the courts, and media freedom. The Commission and the European Parliament have accepted this narrative without deeper and honest analysis, even though with a minimum of goodwill one could have guessed, that it was a distorted picture of reality created for political purposes.
The Law and Justice Right government has used its parliamentary majority to fulfil its electoral promises, acting within the bounds of the law and at most taking advantage of legal loopholes and interpretations, as it is common in any democratic country and in the EU itself. Its governance has not only brought economic success to Poland but also revitalised its democracy, with increased voter turnout in successive elections and diverse opinions circulating in the public sphere through various media outlets. Social power remained dispersed, with opposition-associated individuals holding positions in local authorities, private media, numerous institutions, and NGOs. State institutions, including central ones, have employed individuals with differing political views. There have been no trials in Poland that could substantiate allegations of politicisation of the judiciary, and there have been no political prisoners.
Now it has changed – and democracy and freedom are in real danger. For those who look at the current situation in Poland with honesty and without ideological bias, it is evident that the goal of Donald Tusk and his political allies is not on upholding the rule of law, freedom of the media, or the independence of the courts, but rather of grasping and maintaining total power without real opposition, ide…


[2024-01-24 08:48 UTC]

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