RT European Central Bank Research
Re Registration link for DAY 1: https://ecb-meetings.webex.com/weblink/register/rd48c263066cd32942dfd743d0b8c4d2f 2/3
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ECB_Research/status/1696098099003838782
RT European Central Bank Research
Re Registration link for DAY 2: https://ecb-meetings.webex.com/weblink/register/rc33911eecea914b00937258f0a767dab 3/3
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ECB_Research/status/1696098101268766953
Just two days to go until Europa Open Air 2023, another musical journey with Hessischer Rundfunk, our partner for this yearly event.
You can also catch all the magic on the live stream on 31 August as of 20:00 CET! https://www.hr-sinfonieorchester.de/konzerte/konzerte-23-24/europa-open-air-das-hr-sinfonieorchester-unter-freiem-himmel---am-31-august,europa-open-air-172.html
Press release: ECB sanctions de Volksbank for miscalculating capital needs https://www.bankingsupervision.europa.eu/press/pr/date/2023/html/ssm.pr230829~86007857f0.en.html
RT ClevelandFedResearch
The annual Cleveland Fed-ECB Inflation Drivers & Dynamics Conference is on Aug 31 & Sept 1. The conference hosts top researchers in academia, central banks, & other institutions to discuss inflation-related research. Register to join virtually on day 1: http://bit.ly/3OK5BZE
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ClevFedResearch/status/1696567648333754428
RT ClevelandFedResearch: Re Register to attend the annual Inflation Drivers and Dynamics Conference virtually on day 2: https://bit.ly/3OHs2Pb
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ClevFedResearch/status/1696570776349012035
Re Panetta: A fully functioning CMU would help:
1️⃣ reap the benefits of capital markets throughout the euro area and facilitate risk-sharing across member countries
2️⃣ finance the innovation that is vital for Europe’s growth
3️⃣ implement the ECB's monetary policy
🧵 In a fragmented global economy, we need to work together to achieve a more integrated Europe, writes Executive Board member Fabio Panetta.
Central to this strategy is creating a single European market for capital: the capital markets union.
Re Panetta: Despite progress, the results are not yet satisfactory.
Euro area bond markets remain underdeveloped and fragmented across national borders. Equity is mainly unlisted, reducing the pool of potential investors.
Re Panetta: To build a genuine capital markets union, we need to address the lack of:
-a permanent European safe asset
-a complete banking union for borderless operations
An EU safe asset and a leading role for banks are essential components of all developed capital markets
Follow live from 9:00 CET: Executive Board member @Isabel_Schnabel will speak at the Inflation: Drivers and Dynamics Conference, jointly organised with @ClevelandFed @ClevFedResearch.
Watch her opening speech https://youtu.be/X1j6tJfLbBM
RT European Central Bank Research
Watch live @Isabel_Schnabel's opening remarks at the Inflation: Drivers and Dynamics Conference, jointly organised by @ClevelandFed and @ecb, happening today in Frankfurt! The keynote speech by @R2Rsquared takes place at 12.00 CEST https://www.ecb.europa.eu/pub/conferences/html/20230831_joint_ECB_FED_conference.en.html
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ECB_Research/status/1697139656939405574
The economic outlook in the euro area has weakened, says Executive Board member @Isabel_Schnabel. Uncertainty about how fast the slowdown will reduce inflation calls for a data-dependent, robust approach that considers the distribution of inflation risks https://www.ecb.europa.eu/press/key/date/2023/html/ecb.sp230831~c25314a3fc.en.html
We’re changing the look of euro banknotes. Find out more about the process and let us know your preferences on the shortlisted themes via our survey on #FutureBanknotes https://survey.ecb.europa.eu/euro-banknote-survey?lang=en
Verena Ross, Chair of the European Securities and Markets Authority, explains in our Supervision Newsletter why crypto-assets will always be less safe than traditional financial products. We also take a look at internal model supervision and risk tolerance https://www.bankingsupervision.europa.eu/press/supervisory-newsletters/html/index.en.html
The EU’s crypto regulation framework provides limited consumer protection, says Verena Ross, Chair of the European Securities and Markets Authority. She calls for more transparency on credit default swaps and for streamlined rules on sustainable finance https://www.bankingsupervision.europa.eu/press/publications/newsletter/2023/html/ssm.nl230816.en.html
How have banks passed on our recent interest rate hikes? And what’s the impact on people and firms?
Host @KatieRanger_ and Chief Economist Philip R. Lane unpick these questions in the third and final episode of #TheECBPodcast’s Summer School mini-series https://soundcloud.com/europeancentralbank/the-ecb-podcast-summer-school-3-the-role-of-banks-in-fighting-inflation/s-qNZRBttq7FN?si=00704533814e49e8ae3583375f606dc7&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing
Nearly all recent internal model investigations were initiated by banks, not the ECB. Overall, the assessments did not lead to a systematic rise in risk-weighted assets. We expect banks to work on evaluating and simplifying their internal model landscapes https://www.bankingsupervision.europa.eu/press/publications/newsletter/2023/html/ssm.nl230816_4.en.html
Last year was positive for securitisations with significant risk transfer: transactions with performing loans reached a new peak, and the volume of securitisations with non-performing loans dropped significantly https://www.bankingsupervision.europa.eu/press/publications/newsletter/2023/html/ssm.nl230816_1.en.html
Banks need to ensure that pandemic-related data are not skewed by support measures or other temporary factors before they incorporate the data into their IRB models. Our updated Guide to internal models will clarify topics such as the definition of default https://www.bankingsupervision.europa.eu/press/publications/newsletter/2023/html/ssm.nl230816_2.en.html
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ The European Central Bank is the central bank for Europe's single currency, the euro. Its main task is to maintain the euro's purchasing power.