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Épp ezért volt örvendetes, hogy a hétfői uniós csúcson, úgy tűnt, megszületett az egyezség a tagállamok között. Ez rövid távon hazánk érdekeinek megfelel, ugyanis a vezetékeken keresztül érkező orosz olaj mentességet élvez az importtilalom alól. 4/12


Egy gazdasági válság küszöbén és egy háború árnyékában különösen fontos, hogy a magyar emberek energiabiztonságát és az ország zökkenőmentes ellátását biztosítsa a kormány. És most minden bizonytalanság csak növeli az energiaárakat. 3/12


A magyar vétó miatt nincs megállapodás az EU-s olajembargóról. Egyes hírek szerint a háborús propagandát kiszolgáló Kirill orosz pátriárka szankcionálását utasítja el, más hírek szerint a Magyarországon finomított orosz olaj exporttilalma miatt vétózik a magyar kormány. 2/12


After all, environmental issues are a matter of life and death. And now, looking at the situation at the Sajó river…it’s unfortunately, more relevant than ever. 11/11


There should be a Green Prosecutor in the EU who doesn’t just deal with financial matters but with serious environmental and social crimes. A prosecutor who will hold accountable those who damage our natural resources, endanger human lives and risk our future. 10/11


Also, together with our group in the EP, with @RenewEurope , we’re calling for the European Public Prosecutor's Office’s powers to be extended. 9/11


Also, we must not forget that, in addition to the ecological disaster, the health of many Hungarians and Slovaks are also at risk: the heavy metals and arsenic levels in the Slovak section are already several hundred times the health limit. 8/11


Right now we’re working on finding solutions with my Slovak colleague Michal Wiezik, with whom we also visited the most seriously polluted stretch of the Sajó in Slovakia. 7/11


Through this mechanism, Member States can receive expert and technical assistance to deal with such situations and protect human life and nature. 6/11


Money shouldn’t be an obstacle either to salvaging the Sajó and putting an end to the disaster. The EU already has a system for natural disasters: the civil protection mechanism. 5/11


What’s currently happening is a tragic symbol of the fact that nature conservation and protection cannot be an exclusively national issue in the 21st century. What is happening to the Sajó is a pan-European issue, and we must therefore act together. 4/11


But the situation in Hungary is also fragile, with just one flood away from having dangerous sediment on the Hungarian side as well. 3/11


Local fishermen say that the fish that haven’t yet died are increasingly contaminated and that dangerous substances have also appeared in the surrounding wells. 2/11


The /#Slaná (a Slovak-Hungarian river) has been dead for weeks on the Slovak side. Dead because of the from a mine in that broke more than three months ago. 1/11


We believe that if the government doesn’t want to spend EU money on what it was given for, then it should not be taken from the Hungarian people, but from the government. It should be given directly to local governments, local entrepreneurs, schools and hospitals. 5/5


On the other hand, we’ve been fighting for the EU's financial policy to finally take a new direction since 2019. We’re fighting so that the Hungarian people aren’t punished for the sins of their government. 4/5


In fact, instead of working towards receiving EU funds, the government is already planning austerity measures; the elimination of small businesses and the final dismantling of local authorities. 3/5


But the Hungarian society cannot benefit from these funds because the Hungarian government refuses to give any guarantees that it’ll spend the money on those in need instead of on its oligarchs. 2/5


We need to make sure that we can access EU money and spend it on schools, hospitals and jobs.
We’ve the opportunity to alleviate the social crisis. There’s thousands of billions of forints in EU aid that Hungary could receive at any time from the EU Recovery Fund. 1/5


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