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If you give vetoes a price tag,
Orban WILL ask for that money.


[2023-12-15 09:01 UTC]

RT by @daniel_freund: The one silver lining in this story: Orbán stands alone. Fico is nowhere to be seen.

EU fails to agree €50bn funding for Ukraine


[2023-12-15 09:22 UTC]

Walking out of the room. With ten billion Euros in your pockets.


[2023-12-14 20:57 UTC]

RT by @daniel_freund: 👀A senior Hungarian official made public some preliminary results of the "national consultation". According to these 98% of respondents oppose EU membership.
Latest @EurobarometerEU polls give us another figure:
45% of HUN agree on granting candidate status to UKR


[2023-12-14 13:53 UTC]

RT by @daniel_freund: Vor dem EU-Gipfel in Brüssel gibt es Kritik am Zugeständnis der EU-Kommission gegenüber Ungarn, eigentlich gesperrte Gelder auszuzahlen. Vom "größten Schmiergeld in der Geschichte der EU" sprach der grüne Europa-Abgeordnete @daniel_freund im DLF:


[2023-12-14 07:38 UTC]

RT by @daniel_freund: ‼️The Union is running out of time

🇪🇺Parliament's co-rapporteurs for the revision of the EU Treaties express their disappointment about the omission from the @EUCouncil agenda:

@GuyVerhofstadt @svensimon @gabischoff @daniel_freund @HelmutScholzMEP


[2023-12-14 08:36 UTC]

RT by @daniel_freund: Das ist @TerryReintke. Aufgewachsen im Ruhrgebiet. Seit knapp zehn Jahren Europaabgeordnete. Fraktionsvorsitzende der Grünen im Europäischen Parlament. Und unsere Spitzenkandidatin für die Europawahl 2024! 📣🌻


[2023-12-13 14:51 UTC]

RT by @daniel_freund: Just in: New Minister of Justice, @Adbodnar, wastes no time in making bold moves. First up, a formal request to PM Tusk to join the European Public Prosecutor's Office. Additionally, the EU flag is back in the minister's office.


[2023-12-13 14:52 UTC]

EU-Commission releases 10bn Euros of EU funds to the Orban regime.
Von der Leyen is paying the biggest bribe in EU history to the autocrat and Putin-friend Viktor Orban.
The signal is disastrous:
Viktor Orban's blackmail pays off.


[2023-12-13 16:48 UTC]

"The only long-term solution to address the strategic challenge the Orbán regime poses to the EU’s functioning as well as the security of Ukraine is depriving Hungary’s government of its voting rights in the European Council via the Article 7 procedure."


[2023-12-13 12:55 UTC]

RT by @daniel_freund: Sieben EU-Mitgliedstaaten fordern, dass Regierungen das Recht erhalten sollten, Spionageprogramme gegen Journalisten einzusetzen. Dies stößt auf harsche Kritik, unter anderem von @daniel_freund.

👉Zum Artikel:


[2023-12-13 13:16 UTC]

Orban's new Sovereignty Law is creating the pre-conditions for despotic rule.


[2023-12-13 11:20 UTC]

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