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The Conservative Party is yet again fighting like rats in a sack. If you want to be part of making sure they have no chance at the next election please join my campaign to be the first non-Tory elected in South Devon for over 100 years.


Never before has a British Prime Minister treated parliament and the public with such contempt. He believed he was above the law.
Anthony Mangnall must vote to censure Boris Johnson. Anything less would be an insult to bereaved families across south Devon.


It’s been so long since she visited Westminster that she’s forgotten there has to be an election before he becomes an MP. Bless. She really needs to go now.
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Rt Hon Nadine Dorries: My family and I are thrilled that our great friend ⁦@Fest4BedsPCC⁩ was selected tonight to become the next MP for MidBedfordshire.
He is one of the best people I know. Genuine, principled with a track record of delivery. He will make an amazing MP. Congratulations Festus!


So pleased to see the committee of which I used to be a part succeeded in keeping the EU’s nature restoration law alive.
Thank you to all my former @RenewEurope colleagues, and others, who opposed this attempt by the right of centre EPP group.
@EU_ENV @libdems
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Jack Parrock: Massive cheers from half of the European Parliament's ENVI committee who managed to get exactly the 44 of 88 votes needed to prevent an EPP-led plan to take the EU's Nature Restoration Law off the table.
The proposal survives.
High drama in EU politics today.


RT Femi
When Boris Johnson was a journalist, he got fired twice for lying.
So he entered politics, where he literally lied to Queen &amp; country, and then got fired AGAIN for lying...
And the Daily Mail thought:
"That's EXACTLY the kind of journalist we want informing our readers".


Spot on from Andrew Rawnsley
If there were any sincerity to his pledges to restore accountability and integrity to public life, he will unambiguously endorse the privileges committee’s report and he will urge Conservative MPs to do the same.


So excited that @sarahdykeLD will finally have the chance to fight this by-election - not before time!
Can’t wait to get out on the campaign trail with her and make sure the constituents of Somerton and Frome have an MP who respects them.
She will make an outstanding MP.
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Sarah Dyke 🔶: We're finally getting to choose a new MP.
Villages and towns across Somerton and Frome have been taken for granted by the Conservative party for too long.
I will fight for a fair deal for all our communities and be the hard working local MP people here deserve.


Rishi Sunak took the coward’s way out.
His failure to vote on the Privileges Committee report on Boris Johnson says all you need to know about this Prime Minister's lack of leadership.
So much for integrity. Glad our MP now agrees Johnson is a liar.


RT Zoe Gardner
Impossible not to draw comparisons between a billionaire tourist ship on a risky journey to visit a wreck &amp; desperate, homeless refugees on a hugely risky journey for a chance at a safe life -
Both lost at sea, with vastly different resources committed to their location &amp; rescue


So the government won’t have a representative on @bbcquestiontime tonight. Quite something that seven years on from their flagship “achievement” they can’t face an audience made up entirely of people who voted for it. Anyone would think they were frit as Maggie used to say


RT European Movement UK
Just 18% of leavers feel it's successful, whilst the economy flounders, inflation surges &amp; trade suffers. Seven years on, it's clear: Brexit has not been the golden dawn promised, but an age of disappointment.


Local band Pale Blue Eyes, who hail from Totnes, had all their gear stolen at a service station. Please by a raffle ticket to help them back onto their feet. Thanks!
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Claire Phillips-Callender: Pale Blue Eyes @pbemusic had their gear nicked while on tour, in a service station. By a raffle ticket, support the arts, make a sad band happy:


So many lies. Told by people who knew it was a fantasy. Seven years on it’s clear Brexit has been an utter failure.
“You were told that it would be pain-free. You were told that it would all be upsides, no downsides.” Well said Alastair.
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BBC Question Time: “You were told that it would be pain-free. You were told that it would all be upsides, no downsides”
Former No 10 Press Secretary Alastair Campbell claims the British public were “lied to” and calls for Boris Johnson to be held accountable


Re There is little hope that a Labour government will try and reverse the damage. But surely there comes a point where politicians must catch up with the growing majority of people who now say we got this wrong. We will rethink it. I’m sure of it.


RT Liberal Democrats
ICYMI: @timfarron reintroducing the Animal Welfare Bill, after the Government shamefully decided to drop it last month.
However, the motion was voted down by Conservative MPs - despite it being in their last election manifesto.
Britain's animals deserve better. 🐶


Re @edballs @SarahDykeLD A very kind tweet Ed. Good of you to show support and solidarity. Sarah will make a fine MP, of that I have no doubt.


RT @RichardJMurphy: Why the Lords has to go If someone with no known professional or work experience can be ennobled at the age of 30 then the whole concept of the House of Lords has failed. It is time it was rid of, for good.


RT @EmmaKennedy: How can it be right that a guy in his twenties who worked for less than two years is now a member of HOL with the power to legislate over us for the rest of his life? How is this allowed?


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