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RT @GrandinUlrika: Good meetings @StockholmPlus50 with @G100wefleaders Thank you @harbeenarora @anja_carron @alyn_ware @bodilvalero and
Confidence Stavely


RT @AnnLinde: Good discussion on the correlation between climate, peace and human security with the inspiring women leaders in @G100wefleaders today @Stockholm50. Thank you for sharing your experiences and ideas.


RT @UN_PGA: The workplace of the future must be rooted in equity & free of discrimination & harmful stereotypes about women’s skills, work ethic, leadership abilities or intellect.

Remarks at a special event hosted by OPGA, Sweden Govt. & @unfoundation:


Thanks @Desireekd and colleagues for hosting us in the and giving us the chance to learn and interact.


Såhär föreslår Twitter att jag ska skriva men jag hade förstås ingen aning om när det var. Och twittrar numer sällan efter att ha blivit utsatt för både hat och hot.
"Minns du när du började använda Twitter? Det gör jag!"


RT @DianaRibaGiner: Despite opposition from @TheProgressives, @EPPGroup, and @RenewEurope, the @GreensEFA has managed to push for a debate in next week's plenary on . Transparency and democratic commitment.

Who is afraid of giving explanations to the ?


RT @mattiasgoldmann: Den som sinkar och försvårar utbyggnaden av vindkraft hotar Sveriges klimatdrivna industriomställning.
@hybrit_project @Vattenfall_Se
@svenskakraftnat @palm_lina
@dagensnyheter @100_fornybart @Vindkraft @H2GreenSteel



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