RT by @alexstubb: All eight border crossings between Finland will be closed as of midnight.
Closure up until 13 December, or until further notice. Freight train traffic allowed to continue.
Decision based on law, security and intelligence information. Russia continues to use asylum seekers as weapons.
In the past week or so I have had three briefings from our border authorities and been close to three border crossings from the southern to the northern border.
Finnish measure timely and correct. Russian activity cynical and inhumane. Finnish border authorities will help vulnerable individuals.
The balance between international law and national security is always delicate when you have a neighbour that violates the former and tests the latter.
The only thing Russia understands is power and determination. We are expecting further hybrid operations and will continue to react accordingly. We are prepared, not worried.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/alexstubb/status/1729722438202605797#m
[2023-11-29 04:42 UTC]