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Huge thanks to everyone who has supported me over 14 yrs as a councillor in the city & @tomdruitt &
I over the last 8years in Regency ward. It has been the greatest privilege to have represented this vibrant neighbourhood, the beating heart of the city we love.

A thread 🧵


@nikkibayley Nah, one day I’ll get it right. Find it difficult to ‘have it all’ and it seems women are criticised more than men for working / being away. They are also criticised for staying at home or doing a bit of both. We can never get it right 🤷‍♀️ xx


RT @johnbirdswords: .@CarnegieUKTrust report

34% of ppl not eating as healthily, 16% reduced exercise
35% aren’t spending as much time with friends, 24% say the same about family
50% say leisure activities have reduced
56% think @GOVUK isn’t supporting enough 👇🏼


And you can see the back of part of the back of my head(!).

Had a brilliant day at this event and honoured to have spoken too.

Not home yet, but was definitely worth the schlep to lovely Bradford On Avon and Bristol 🥰
RT @DaleVince: Just been at the latest Green Britain Partnership event with @ecotricity, this one hosted by @triodosbank - fabulous people and range of organisations taking part, it was truly inspiring. Great to be interviewed by @HelenTaylor_eco …


RT @AlexTaylorNews: "I'm a proud Scot. And equally a proud European too. Scotland is a European nation. We want to return to the EU and play our part in building a continent based on human rights, peace, prosperity and social justice"

Humza Yousaf, new leader of SNP and soon to be First Minister


@MartinAshby11 @ByDonkeys @OwenJones84 @mrjamesob @carolvorders @DeborahMeaden Is your mum ok Mart??


RT @johnbirdswords: The government should have used this spring budget to acknowledge the cost-of-living crisis. They could have established a Ministry of Emergency, which should focus on keeping people out of the treacle of poverty. Please read my response here👇



Across Europe we’ve come so far in fighting for gender equality and women’s rights

But there’s so much more still to do

This I’m hoping that my 1 yr old little girl manages to live a fulfilling life & has the same opportunities as my little boy


RT @BHGreens: Thank you @CarolineLucas for showing us all there's a different way to do politics

Caroline MP, inspiring women since before 2010 💚


RT @johnbirdswords: As we celebrate Big Issue National Vendor Week, we are very aware that right now our work is needed more than ever with spiralling living costs and continuing increases in poverty and hardship. Support the brave and incredible Big Issue vendors. Join us👇


RT @johnbirdswords: If you missed it, here’s my appearance in the @UKHouseofLords yesterday pressing the government on ending rough sleeping by 2024 and preventing those living in hostels being pushed back on the streets.


RT @johnbirdswords: Why is the Treasury always prepared to spend money when the crisis has happened, they don’t spend money to prevent the crisis from happening, that’s what we need now. We need government to be reinvented.


One of the best things I’ve seen on TV
RT @Channel4: This is the incredible moment Lucy, a 13-year-old who is blind and neurodiverse, played a highly-complex Chopin piece, leaving @MikaSounds and @Lang_Lang speechless.

The Piano, presented by @ClaudiaWinkle, starts tonight at 9pm on Channel 4.

Stream Free on All 4.


Pleased to support Patience Wheatcroft in her bid for Chair of @euromove. As continues to unravel, it’s more important than ever that we have a strong European Movement - hers would be a powerful voice for the Movement both inside & outside parliament


Want to make a big difference on some of the most pertinent issues affecting us today including housing, wages and employment?

Then apply to join my lovely team:

Deadline end of the month


This is a huge step forward for kids in

By making free school meals universal, the stigma disappears & every kid will have the opportunity to fulfil their potential rather than feeling ill, because they’re so hungry


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