
RT by @AnnaZalewskaMEP: PiS MEP: @AnnaZalewskaMEP
What are the risks of changing EU treaties? 🇵🇱🇪🇺

A longer tweet than usual because of the extraordinary importance of the issue. Please read it.👇🧶

1. Loss of sovereignty: Some of the changes will infringe on Member State sovereignty, limiting their autonomy in decision-making matters. Countries will lose control over their own affairs because of greater centralisation or the role of some EU institutions becoming stronger.
🔹Eliminating the principle of unanimity in votes in the Council of the EU in many areas would mean that Member States will not be able to block decisions that do not correspond to their interests. This could lead to a situation where Member States are forced to accept an EU decision that is unfavourable to them.
For example, currently, Member States can block decisions on migration policy if they do not agree. If unanimity is abolished in this area, migration policy decisions will be taken by a qualified majority, i.e. Member States that are against a more liberal migration policy may be forced to accept EU decisions that are unfavourable to them.

2. Increasing the role of EU institutions and reducing the role of national parliaments: The Treaty changes envisage an increase in the European Parliament's powers but, at the same time, a reduction in the role of national parliaments. This could lead to a situation where important issues are decided by the EU institutions without or with the limited involvement of national parliaments.
🔹For example, currently, national parliaments have a veto right on the decision to admit a new member to the EU. If this rule is abolished, decisions on the admission of a new member to the EU will be taken by the EU Council by a qualified majority. This means that national parliaments will have no say in the decision.
🔹 Another example is the EU's internal and external policies. …


[2023-11-21 13:18 UTC]

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