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RT European Commission
We have opened a formal investigation to assess whether Microsoft may have breached EU competition rules by tying or bundling its communication and collaboration product Teams to its popular suites for businesses Office 365 and Microsoft 365 ↓


🆕@EU_Commission podporí 12 cezhraničných projektov spravodajských konzorcií sumou vo výške 14 miliónov EUR.
Projekty boli vybrané v rámci programu . Na vybraných projektoch sa budú podielať aj slovenskí partneri 🇸🇰. Viac ℹ️👇
<div class="rsshub-quote">
European Commission: Today, we're strengthing support to cross-border journalism with €14 million.
Twelve consortia of news organisations have received support to cross-border projects to strengthen the news media sector over the next two years.
Discover them ↓


RT European Commission
The Single Market is Europe's crown jewel.
A market where 450 million people are free to study, live, shop, work and retire and enjoy products from all over Europe.
A global champion worth €14.5 trillion, empowering 23 million businesses to move and trade ⬇


RT EU_Eurostat
💰💼 On 1 July 2023, 22 out of the 27 EU Member States had a national minimum wage.
Highest national minimum wage in 🇱🇺 Luxembourg (€ 2 508 per month),  lowest in 🇧🇬 Bulgaria (€ 399 per month).
Find out more ➡️!ncCDVp


RT Ursula von der Leyen
I was glad and honored to receive the letters of credence of the new ambassadors to the EU from 🇺🇾🇲🇼🇨🇱 🇰🇬 🇲🇱🇻🇦🇹🇷 🇬🇲 🇸🇦 🇰🇪 🇵🇪🇹🇲🇿🇲🇧🇼🇨🇴🇵🇭🇧🇿🇸🇸🇦🇷
Welcome to Brussels!
I’m looking forward to working with you.


RT Ursula von der Leyen
Europe wants to be a trusted partner to the Philippines as it grows its economic potential.
Our FTA will advance our partnership, as well as .
will create good jobs right here and help move 🇵🇭 businesses up the value-chain ↓


Odovzdajte svojmu publiku podložené, objektívne a neskreslené informácie o EÚ, aby aj ľudia na Slovensku lepšie chápali politiky EÚ a zapájali sa do demokratického života Únie.
ℹ️Viac info nájdete na našom webe!k3jytH


✅Čistejšia doprava vďaka EÚ 🇪🇺. poskytne z Plánu obnovy a odolnosti 🇸🇰50 miliónov eur na vybudovanie viac ako 3 000 nabíjačiek pre elektromobily po celom území🔌. Viac ℹ️:


Od 18 júla pomáha stredomorským krajinám v boji proti požiarom. V rámci mechanizmu boli do Grécka 🇬🇷 vyslané hasičské tímy a stroje z 10 krajín, vrátane 🇸🇰. Do 🇬🇷 bolo spolu vyslaných:
✈️9 hasičských lietadiel,
🚒 117 hasičských áut,
👨‍🚒510 hasičov.


Dnes si pripomíname pamiatku rómskych obetí holokaustu. Aj @EU_Commission každý rok v auguste vzdáva poctu pamiatke rómskych obetí holokaustu a opätovne potvrdzuje svoj záväzok bojovať proti protirómskemu zmýšľaniu, rasizmu a iným formám neznášanlivosti.


RT European Commission
Wildfires know no borders, and neither does solidarity.
To safeguard lives and the environment, we've created our own firefighting fleet: .
Learn more ↓


RT Věra Jourová
Freedom we enjoy today carries a responsibility and requires action.
Europe has a duty to protect its minorities from racism and discrimination.
Our statement on Roma Holocaust Memorial Day 👇


🇪🇺Väčšina Európanov si myslí, že zelená transformácia by sa mala zrýchliť, vyplýva z najnovšieho @EurobarometerEU.
🇸🇰Ako to vidia Slováci?
Prečítajte si v našom najnovšom článku:


👉Cieľom TEAM EUROPE DIRECT je podnietiť na 🇸🇰Slovensku verejnú diskusiu o 🇪🇺Európskej únii. Zapojte sa aj vy!
ℹ️Viac info nájdete na našom webe!k3jytH


RT EU Civil Protection &amp; Humanitarian Aid 🇪🇺: Mapped: Greece wildfires and EU response. 🇬🇷🔥🇪🇺 🔗!nrwWqY


✅Dostupnejšia zdravotná starostlivosť vďaka EÚ🇪🇺.
poskytne z Plánu obnovy 10 miliónov eur na pomoc poskytovateľom všeobecnej ambulantnej starostlivosti. Vďaka Únii by tak malo vzniknúť celkovo 170 nových všeobecných ambulancií. Viac ℹ️:


RT EU Civil Protection &amp; Humanitarian Aid 🇪🇺
Update: The response to 🔥 in the Mediterranean:
🇬🇷 10 countries sending help. In total, over 490 firefighters and 7 planes have been deployed to different areas of the country.
🇹🇳 2 planes from the reserve hosted by Spain are on their way.
More. 👇


RT Presidencia española del Consejo de la UE
| Today, EU ambassadors agreed on adopting restrictive measures in view of the situation in Belarus and the involvement of Belarus in the Russian agression against Ukraine. The measures include listings of individuals and entities.


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