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2/8: The rise of Nazi Germany and its aggression led to general persecution, forcing many individuals, particularly Jews (around 300.000), to escape their homelands. Many embarked on difficult journeys, facing numerous obstacles in their search for refuge and protection.


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📢⚠️As 20.06 is the , @WorkersEESC has decided to raise awareness of several refugee crises suffered where Europeans have been the ones leaving their country.

We need empathy to face and deal with other refugee crises worldwide.

🧵WWII Crisis.


👥JOIN ONLINE our public debate "Advertising through influencers and its impact on consumers"

With @CatalinaGoanta from @UniUtrecht and other high-level institutional stakeholders & civil society representatives

🕞TOMORROW (9/06) 09:30 (CET)



🗓️This week at @EU_EESC

7/06-> seminar "A thriving civic space for upholding fundamental rights in the EU"

8/06-> European Citizens' Initiative Day 2023

9/06-> public hearing "Advertising through influencers and its impact on consumers"



RT @ForneaDumitru: Yesterday evening @WorkersEESC has organized the movie screening📽️ of "La Syndicaliste" at the @EU_EESC.

The film is inspired by the true story of Maureen Kearney, the union president of a French multinational nuclear power company.



Thank you @Mbudolfsen and @ORoethig of @UNI_Europa for our fruitful meeting today. We look forward to a strong cooperation with @etuc_ces and the European trade union federations to defend workers' rights by continuously pushing for Social Progress. @LucaLuc19908512 @EU_EESC


9/9 This is the month to honor those who flee their countries, running away from war and famine, seeking a better future for their families.

Thank you, Juan, Gloria, Prudencio,and all other anonymous brave people who fled by land or sea.

And remember, we can also be .


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8/9 Many Spanish refugees remained displaced for years, unable to return home. Their longing for their homeland and the pain of separation persisted, creating a sense of nostalgia Some of them only went back after the end of the dictatorship, 40 years later. Others did not.


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7/9 France: The most committed country and the nearest to Spain. It hosted an estimated 450,000 to 500,000 Spanish refugees. They were accommodated in makeshift camps and provided with humanitarian assistance, medical care, and education.


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6/9 Like the one before mentioned, many other "Casas españolas" were opened in order to tackle the trauma, the displacement, and the need to reestablish their sense of belonging and to defend their interests.
@LHGVenezuela is another example which survives until these days.


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5/9 Venezuela was another of the countries which open its borders to Spanish Refugees. It is calculated that at least 30.000 Spanish refugees seek asylum in Venezuela. Especially from the Canary Islands and Galicia because of the famine of the 50s.
@hcanariov was a result of this


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4/9 Mexico was an excellent example of hosting Spanish refugees, around 50.000, mostly intellectuals, scientists and artists. Many Mexican historians agreed that these refugees were a very lucky issue and contribute greatly to the growth of the country.


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3/9 The international community played a crucial role in providing assistance to the Spanish refugees. Countries like France (especially), the Soviet Union, Argentina and UK opened their doors and offered refuge, while organizations like the Red Cross provided aid.


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2/9 Many of the refugees, especially kids, faced immense hardships during their journey and upon arrival in foreign lands. They were often separated from their families and had to navigate unfamiliar territories without adequate resources or support.


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1/9 The Spanish refugee crisis that followed the civil war (1936-1939) was a tragic chapter in history but also an example of international solidarity. Almost half a million Spaniards were forced to flee their homes, seeking safety and shelter in neighboring countries.


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⚠️📢As 20.06 is the , @WorkersEESC has decided to raise awareness of several refugee crises suffered where Europeans have been the ones leaving their country.

We are decided to raise awareness, increase empathy and regulate better for them.🙋🏾‍♀️

🧵Spanish Crisis👇🏾


RT @FrancaCFDT: @WorkersEESC C’est aujourd’hui le ciné-débat au CESE à Bruxelles sur Avec la CES @etuc @IsaSchoemann , le parlement européen @RadtkeMdEP @a_jongerius la @CFDTCadres, Maureen kearney @MaureenHugo2, le réalisateur @celeriremoulade


RT @FrancaCFDT: Demain film-débat @EESC des institutions européennes avec @RadtkeMdEP @a_jongerius qui oeuvrent au pour plus de participation des travailleurs à la strategie d’entreprise. Ce film, l’histoire d’une lanceuse d’alerte @MaureenHugo2 et @CFDT qui voulaient savoir


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