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The is main EU-US forum for pursuing a positive transatlantic trade agenda.
Looking forward to next TTC meeting to further align our green agendas and expand 🇪🇺-🇺🇸 cooperation:
📌export controls
📌investment screening
📌digital trade!TXJp3w

RT @VDombrovskis: EU and US should aim to converge, not diverge, as we work together to tackle global challenges.

IRA: we are working hard to find solutions, including with a targeted Critical Miner…


EU and US should aim to converge, not diverge, as we work together to tackle global challenges.

IRA: we are working hard to find solutions, including with a targeted Critical Minerals Agreement.
Steel/Aluminium: we want to agree on Global Sustainable Arrangement by Oct.

RT @VDombrovskis: I updated @EP_Trade on negotiations for bilateral agreements.

Strong trade relations make us more resilient, especially given EU need to access critical raw mater…


I updated @EP_Trade on negotiations for bilateral agreements.

Strong trade relations make us more resilient, especially given EU need to access critical raw materials. We should link to external sources of global growth to stay competitive.!MhrMpy
RT @VDombrovskis: We will continue to lead global efforts for a strong & reformed @WTO. Its rules base = our best defence against global economic fragmentation.

We need to make sure WT…


We will continue to lead global efforts for a strong & reformed @WTO. Its rules base = our best defence against global economic fragmentation.

We need to make sure WTO Ministerial in early 2024 builds on meaningful MC12 outcomes, including dispute settlement reform.

RT @VDombrovskis: Speaking to @EP_Trade meeting 👉

policy is key for boosting EU competitiveness and making net-zero a reality.

It helps 🇪🇺 with:
✅new export opportunities


Speaking to @EP_Trade meeting 👉

policy is key for boosting EU competitiveness and making net-zero a reality.

It helps 🇪🇺 with:
✅new export opportunities
✅access to vital inputs for green/digital transitions
✅diversified supply sources, boosting resilience



Good to see @OdileRenaud again for a useful and constructive discussion, on👉

➡️preparations for @EBRD Annual Meeting in May
➡️continuous EBRD support for Ukraine, where the Bank is the largest institutional investor


Tiekoties ar @VARAM_Latvija ministru @Sprindzuks pārrunājām Latvijas ekonomikas atveseļošanas un noturības plāna ieviešanu.

Mēs pārrunājām Eiropas Zaļā kursa ieviešanu un izaicinājumus Latvijai, kā arī priekšlikumus ekonomikas konkurētspējas stiprināšanai.


Ar @Jekaba11 Eiropas lietu komisijas vadītāju @AndrisSpruds pārrunājām ģeopolitiskās aktualitātes, tai skaitā atbalstu Ukrainai.

📍 Ņemot vērā pašreizējos ekonomikas izaicinājumus, Latvijai jāizmanto pieejamais ES finansējums, lai stiprinātu ekonomikas konkurētspēju.


🇪🇺🇺🇦 Eiropas Savienība atbalsta Ukrainu ar visu nepieciešamo, lai tā spētu uzvarēt šo karu.

Tas ietver arī ārkārtas finanšu atbalstu, šogad esam tam paredzējuši 18 miljardus eiro 👉🏻otro maksājumu 1,5 miljardu eiro apmērā plānots izmaksāt nākošajā nedēļā.


The EU 🇪🇺 is committed to supporting Ukraine 🇺🇦for as long as needed.

❗️We expect to make second MFA+ payment next week - €1.5 bln in emergency support to help Ukraine meet immediate needs.


RT @LIIA_LV: 🗣️ "Our support will continue for as long as it takes: is not only fighting for its freedom but also the right to follow the European path that it has chosen – and now as a candidate country for membership." 🇪🇺

➡️ @VDombrovskis at


Always a pleasure to meet WTO Director-General @NOIweala. We discussed:
📌how to support WTO rules-based system through turbulent times
📌deliverables for WTO Ministerial in early 2024 - including dispute settlement reform


We are already working on partnerships, via:

✅current/future FTA deals
✅other targeted arrangements
✅CRM club

Any global partner who works with 🇪🇺will reap the benefits of investing in the economies of the future.

My remarks 👉!hRY49m


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It makes sense to scale up our own EU critical raw materials capacity.

But even at full tilt, our own capacity will never be enough.

🌍 We must therefore deploy our strength as the world's No. 1 trader, building relationships based on trust, mutual gain & clear rules.


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are vital for EU competitiveness.

🇪🇺 needs reliable access to CRMs to drive the green/digital transitions & lead industries of the future. But we have too few resources at home & too many risks at global level.

We need to act - so what's the plan?
1/4 🧵



I warmly welcome relaunch of negotiations with 2nd largest economy in region.

A modern, dynamic 🇪🇺-🇹🇭 FTA would benefit both sides & strengthen/diversify EU trade ties with Indo-Pacific.


Useful meeting with Italian @MEF_GOV Minister for Economics & Finance Giancarlo Giorgetti on the review of 🇪🇺 fiscal rules and progress in 🇮🇹 Recovery and Recovery Plan.

We also discussed budgetary and fiscal policy, where it’s important for Italy to pursue a prudent path.


You can read my press statement here
RT @VDombrovskis: The converged on many key elements for revising EU rules:

➡️making sure debt is sustainable
➡️more country ownership
➡️stronger enforcement

This is solid input for @EU_Commission to work with Member States on some remaining issues & draw up legal proposals.


The converged on many key elements for revising EU rules:

➡️making sure debt is sustainable
➡️more country ownership
➡️stronger enforcement

This is solid input for @EU_Commission to work with Member States on some remaining issues & draw up legal proposals.


🇫🇷Good discussion with @BrunoLeMaire on current economic issues and transatlantic relations.

We appreciate France’s support for the Economic Governance Review, where we hope to see good progress at tomorrow’s .


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