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Kohe tuleb Euroopa Parlamendi erakorralisele istungile kõnelema Ukraina president Zelensky.


RT @visegrad24: The Ukrainian U20 decathlon champion Volodymyr Androschuk was killed in battle against the Russian Army 2 weeks ago near Bakhmut.

He should have competed in the Paris Olympics in 2024.

IOC, are you really going to let the Russians compete?


The road from Murmansk to in the north became the only land border to Schengen-Europe still open for tourist visa travelers. Last Schengen land-border open for Russian tourists sees 33 percent increase in traffic.
, why?!


Completely "apolitical" top Russian athletes with the z-symbol of war criminals. The International Olympic Committee and mr Bach could still choose humanity and not remain the executor of the will of the aggressor state.


Täiesti “apoliitilised” vene tippsportlased sõjakurjategijate z-sümboliga. Rahvusvaheline Olümpiakomitee ja isand Bach võiksid valida siiski inimlikkuse ning mitte jääma agressorriigi tahte teostajaks.


Eesti naabrite juures - Riia ja Helsingi lennujaamas pole ühenduste arvu vähenemist täheldada. Pigem vastupidi. Eesti jääb aga veelgi kehvemate ühendustega. Ometi on iga ühenduse mõju laiem kui lihtsalt üks lennuliin.


Here is 18-month-old Julia with 65% burns on her body surface. It was caused by a Russian missile in . Let this image once again be in front of the eyes of those who think that Russian athletes will be treated unfairly if they do not make it to the Olympic Games.


Sellel pildil on 18 kuu vanune Julia, kelle keha pinnast on 65% põlenud. Seda põhjustas Ukraina inimeste kodudesse tulistatud vene rakett.
Olgu see pilt veel kord silmade ette neile, kes arvavad, et vene sportlastele tehakse liiga, kui nad ei saa olümpiamängudele.


RT @GlasnostGone: Goodnight . Tonight I leave you little, brave 18-month-old Julia. Due to Russian shelling, she'd suffered 65% life-threatening burns to her body. Rushed to the , her life was saved. Now finishing treatment at a Czech burn clinic.


RT @ukrainiansquad: Kramatorsk💔 Please tell the whole world that "russia is a terrorist state".


Tähistasime Nõmme Rahu kirikus Tartu Rahu 103. aastapäeva. Paraku on negatiivselt olulist, mis 103 aastaga pole muutunud - Venemaa soovib naabreid vägivallaga alistada. Seetõttu tuleb Eestil ja kõigil normaalsetel riikidel teha kõik, et Ukraina saaks ja jääks täielikult vabaks.


RT @AndersFoghR: Important resolution from the @europarl_en ahead of the EU-Ukraine Summit.

Great to see strong backing for the .

Security guarantees are essential for Ukraine to recover, rebuild, and continue on path to EU and NATO membership.


RT @AndersFoghR: Good meeting yesterday with @EP_Defence and @EP_ForeignAff on Ukraine's long-term security alongside @AndriyYermak.

Strong military guarantees will be vital for Ukraine's recovery and integration into Europe.


RT @_arthurdl: Powerful statements by @AndersFoghR and @AndriyYermak on the in a joint briefing at @europarl_en, co-chaired by @NathalieLoiseau and @Urmaspaet.

As 🇪🇺, we must continue doing all we can to support 🇺🇦 , as long as it takes!


Joining & will take time. But needs security guarantees asap after winning & re-establishing ☮️. I strongly welcome the Kyiv Security Pact that includes clear sec guarantees. Co-chaired @EP_ForeignAff @EP_Defence MEPs meeting with @AndriyYermak @AndersFoghR.


In the EU-Ukraine relations we need a fast start to the accession process. A bold and ambitious plan for these negotiations. The gradual integration of into the EU single market and sectoral programmes. Increased financial, technical and political support.


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