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R to @TerryReintke: And İlayda Bostancıeri, our Green member of the regional parliament from Gelsenkirchen. We have been fighting together for an open and diverse society for the last years - and will continue to do so 🌈😘

Danke, İlayda. 💚


[2023-10-25 09:14 UTC]

R to @TerryReintke: This true inspiration in the fight against Brexit also sent me a support video:

@Femi_sorry, you have been such a friend in the fight for staying close together - even after Brexit.

And you are right: We have to fight together for a better future.

Thanks so much, Femi. 🇪🇺❤️🇬🇧


[2023-10-25 09:14 UTC]

R to @TerryReintke: And last but not least:

Kevin Galuszka, a person truly passionate for his job as a care worker.

Together with Kevin, we fought for strengthening public health and care systems when negotiating the coalition deal in NRW.

Danke, Kevin. 💚


[2023-10-25 09:14 UTC]

R to @TerryReintke: If you want to support my campaign, feel free to share a video or spread this post.

And I also take suggestions for good hashtags (I have not managed to come up with something catchy yet 😉😘😍).


[2023-10-25 09:25 UTC]

I will run to be leading candidate for the
in 2024 💚🌈🇪🇺
I want a Europe that fights for climate justice.
A Europe of fair wages and good work.
A Europe of freedom and democracy.
I want to bring Europeans together to make this happen.
Let’s do it. 💕


[2023-10-25 08:20 UTC]

Ich trete an, um Spitzenkandidatin der
zu werden 💚🌈🇪🇺
Um für ein Europa der Klimagerechtigkeit zu kämpfen.
Für ein Europa guter Arbeit und fairer Löhne.
Für ein Europa von Demokratie und Freiheit.
Zusammen können wir dieses Europa bauen.
Let’s do it. 💕


[2023-10-25 08:21 UTC]

Je suis candidate pour être tête de liste européenne
en 2024 💚🌈🇪🇺
Pour défendre une Europe de la justice climatique.
Une Europe de la justice sociale.
Une Europe de la démocratie, de la liberté.
Ensemble, nous pouvons rendre cette Europe possible.
En avant💕


[2023-10-25 08:21 UTC]

Będę ubiegać się o pozycję wiodącej kandydatki
w 2024 r. 💚🌈🇪🇺
Chcę walczyć o Europę sprawiedliwą klimatycznie.
O Europę godnych wynagrodzeń i dobrej pracy.
O Europe wolności i demokracji.
Możemy zrobić to razem jako Europejki i Europejczycy. 💕


[2023-10-25 08:21 UTC]

Me presento como candidata para liderar los
en 2024 💚🌈🇪🇺
Trabajaré por la justicia climática en Europa.
Por unos sueldos y puestos de trabajo dignos en Europa.
Por la libertad y la democracia en Europa.
Let’s do this. 💕


[2023-10-25 08:22 UTC]

The pro-European opposition has won the elections in Poland.
Millions of Poles have made this possible.
By voting - and by massively mobilising for democracy, rule of law and freedom over the last years.
You are the heroes of a strong Poland in a strong Europe.


[2023-10-17 16:06 UTC]

RT by @TerryReintke: Our heart goes out to the loved ones of the victims of the terrible attack in Brussels last night.🤍

We stand together against hatred.


[2023-10-17 08:13 UTC]

Brussels, my love, again shaken by brutal terror 💔
Our thoughts are with the families and loved one of the victims of this terrible attack.
United, we stand against hatred.
United, we stand for peace.


[2023-10-17 08:16 UTC]

RT by @TerryReintke: 6 yrs ago journalist was murdered because of her work uncovering corruption in .

Daphne's murder has left a long lasting stain in Malta's democracy and society & revealed the state of media freedom in the EU.

We keep working to 🤍


[2023-10-16 09:05 UTC]

We will never forget the courage of Daphne Caruana Galizia.
She stood up for press freedom, for accountability and democracy.
She was murdered 6 years ago. But her memory lives on.


[2023-10-16 18:22 UTC]

RT by @TerryReintke: Hohe Wahlbeteiligung zeichnet sich in ab. Um 17 Uhr waren es 57,54%, vor 4 Jahren waren es um die Uhrzeit 12 % weniger abgegebener Stimmen. Die Wahllokale sind bis 21 Uhr geöffnet. Die höchste Wahlbeteiligung bisher in Warschau mit 62%.


[2023-10-15 16:37 UTC]

RT by @TerryReintke: 🇵🇱🗳️ The games begin, with a winded and thorny but wide path to restore the rule of law in Poland. But first, almost certainly PiS will get a shot at forming the government.


[2023-10-15 19:03 UTC]

RT by @TerryReintke: Poland, IPSOS exit poll:

PiS-ECR: 37% (-7)
KO-EPP|RE|G/EFA: 32% (+5)
TD PL2050/PSL-RE|EPP: 13% (new)
NL-S&D: 9% (-4)
Kon~NI: 6% (-1)
BS-*: 2% (+1)

+/- vs. 2019 election

Fieldwork: 15 October 2023


[2023-10-15 19:06 UTC]

RT by @TerryReintke: Wenn sich das bestätigt kehrt Polen ins Pro EU Lager zurück. Ganz Europa hofft, zittert und drückt die Daumen.


[2023-10-15 19:13 UTC]

Exit polls are exit polls are exit polls.
But there is hope.
For a strong Poland in a strong Europe.


[2023-10-15 19:17 UTC]

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