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Brexit was a mistake. In the EU this was always pretty obvious.

And as it looks now in the UK as well.
RT @EuropeElects: UK (GB), Omnisis poll:

EU Membership Referendum

Rejoin: 60% (+1)
Stay out: 40% (-1)

+/- vs. 24 Mar

Fieldwork: 28-29 March 2023
Sample size: 1,344


Die Einigung zum Ausbau Erneuerbarer Energien in der EU ist ein erster Erfolg.

Trotzdem müssen wir weiter dafür kämpfen, dass noch mehr getan wird.

Um die Klimaziele zu erreichen.

Aber auch um unabhängig von Diktatoren zu werden.


In case you missed it:

Far right members of the Austrian Parliament left the chamber today when Zelensky gave a speech - addressing the brutal aggression of Russia against Ukraine.

The Far Right across Europe show again and again whose side they are on.


Atendiendo a la petición del alcalde Milán, @BeppeSala, presente hoy en el pleno, los @GreensEFA hemos logrado forzar un debate para condenar las medidas en Italia contra los derechos de las familias LGTBI.

@TerryReintke 👇


All families are valid and they all deserve fundamental rights.

The European Parliament will continue to stand side by side with the LGBTI* community and rainbow families all over Europe.

Especially when they are being attacked. Like right now in Italy.




I thought I could not love @Eurovision even more. But I do now.

Also: Mental health is political.



RT @FYEG: @TerryReintke and @ernesturtasun launching our Youth Assembly in the European Parliament!
We have gathered 130 young greens from all Europe 💚


Trust is a crucial ingredient in a democracy.

So many lies have been told about the EU in the UK for so many years.

Exactly to undermine trust.

A lot of people believed what they were told.

Brexit teaches us how important it is to stand up to lies - before it is too late.


Today, we welcomed @BeppeSala in the European Parliament 🌈🇪🇺

He is one of the mayors who was registering children of same-sex couples in Italy.

A practice that is now being restricted by the Far Right government.

Full solidarity with our siblings in Italy ❤️


RT @GreensEFA: All families are equal! 🌈

Today, the Mayor of Milan @beppesala joined us in Brussels to discuss the situation of the Italian government attacking .

We don’t accept this backlash. We will always protect the rights of + families!🏳️‍🌈


RT @GreensEFA: Italy's right-wing government is attacking LGBTQI+ families. We cannot accept this backlash!

Our @TerryReintke invited the Mayor of Milan @BeppeSala, together with S&D @brandobenifei & Renew @CRinzema to discuss the situation.



RT @GreensEFA: Protect ! 🌈

Italy's right-wing government is attacking LGBTQI+ families. We cannot accept this backlash!

We are requesting a plenary debate tomorrow and have invited the Mayor of Milan @BeppeSala to discuss the situation.


RT @ThomasSarnowski: Neu genehmigte 2023 - haltet euch fest:

12 in Niedersachsen
20 in NRW
0 in Bayern

@Markus_Soeder verspricht viel, wenn der Tag lang ist. Wer Windräder möchte, muss Grün wählen.


RT @Die_Gruenen: 🥳 Es ist so weit: Ab 2035 werden europaweit nur noch Autos neu zugelassen, die keine Treibhausgase ausstoßen. Heißt:
➡️ Das Auto der Zukunft ist klimaneutral.
➡️ Der Umstieg auf E-Mobilität kommt endgültig.
➡️ Die Automobilindustrie hat endlich Planungssicherheit.


RT @Chr_Puetz: "Deutschland muss eigene Positionen früh kommunizieren, gleichzeitig Bedürfnisse der kleineren Mitgliedstaaten aufnehmen und Kompromisse schmieden."

Interview mit @TerryReintke zur Studie und Rolle 🇩🇪
@JHillje @DPZ_Berlin


Finally. The end of the internal combustion engine is confirmed. The legal text is unchanged. This is good news for the climate and our competitiveness.

On EU level, major damage has been done by political games of the German liberals.

Rebuilding trust must be a priority now.


RT @BoellStiftung: Terry Reintke im Interview zu unserer aktuellen Studie zu Deutschlands Rolle in der EU.

▶️ Zum Interview mit @TerryReintke und allen Ergebnissen der repräsentativen Umfrage:

@Chr_Puetz @DPZ_Berlin @GreensEFA


Congratulations, @HumzaYousaf

Let us continue to work together on the issues that matter to the Scottish and European people and strengthen the close ties that have always been between Scotland and the EU.



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