Then: I still get a lot of feedback that the threat to LGBTI*s is marginal. A few Far Right politicians here and there, but generally we are going into the right direction.
Unfortunately, that’s false.
We are used as political bait constantly. Also by center right politicians.
Playing human rights against issues like social inequality is completely absurd.
But it is a common narrative and unfortunately not only on the right side of the political spectrum.
Just stop it.
We have to fight for social justice and fundamental rights AT THE SAME TIME.
Plus: Many of our siblings are confronted with uncertain legal situations in their families.
Something that makes living a “normal” life - especially in times of crisis - considerably harder.
Activists living and working in ultimately precarious conditions.
But always remember: LGBTI*s are facing all of these crises as well. And very often disproportionately stronger.
Many people from the community cannot find jobs because of who they are.
Many young people are facing homelessness because they are thrown out of their homes.
First and foremost, I want you to understand what this community is going through. Especially in the Western Balkans.
I am told: We are facing an energy crisis, inflation, rising poverty. All of this is true and has to be addressed.
I am completely exhausted after #EuroPride2022.
I am happy with what 🌈 activists pulled off yesterday.
But I am also angry.
Angry with hateful political movements attacking us.
But also angry about a political context where many still do not understand what is at stake.
RT @VerpennteKatze: Das ist der Überrest meines Regenschirms nachdem eine Freundin und ich auf dem Rückweg vom @EuroPride gestern niedergeschlagen wurden. Wir sind okay. Albanische Aktivist*innen wurden noch schlimmer angegriffen. #EuroPride2022
Die Übergriffe, die organisierte Hetze gegen die #EuroPride müssen allen endlich klar machen:
Da braut sich etwas sehr gefährliches zusammen.
Das ist nicht nur Queerfeindlichkeit, sondern eine demokratiezersetzende internationale Hassbewegung, die immer mehr Einfluss gewinnt.
RT @tanyadomi: .@goranmiletic Sretno dragi Goran! So proud of you & all that you have done & accomplished on behalf of #LGBTI #HumanRights in Serbia & throughout the Balkans extending your support to fellow activists in the broader Balkans! Bravo! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻💜
RT @EmmanuelleChaze: 🇺🇦 I am just back from the mass graves site in Izium.
It is worse than anything you can imagine.
I can confirm that at least part of the people recently buried there were tortured and had violent deaths.
RT @AuschwitzMuseum: 18 September 1872 | A Hungarian Jew, Miksa Herman, was bornim Gyöngyös.
In 1944 he was deported to #Auschwitz and murdered in a gas chamber.
RT @lgbtiera: We confirm that several Albanian #LGBTI+ activists were severely injured in an attack, this evening in Belgrade. A group of eight or more hooligans hit and beat them as they were walking to their hotel.
RT @kimvsparrentak: Lots of security to protect us.
Lots of loud queer music to counter the screams and songs of hate.
And Greens from all over Europe💚💚💚
RT @Krstorevic: So sah es außerhalb unserer für die #Europride2022 abgesperrten Zone aus.
Schaut sie euch an. Das sind die Leute, die behaupten gute serbische und christliche Werte zu vertreten und die von Kirche und Teilen der Regierung aufgehetzt wurden.
RT @EuroPride: We are gathering for the historic #EuroPride2022 March. We March in 40 minutes. Thanks to all the incredible and brave @belgradepride activists who have got us to this point.
RT @Milan__Nikolic: love
except hate, homophobia, misogyny, darkness, past, repression, ignorance #EuroPride2022 #BelgradePride #BelgradePride2022 #europride
RT @peterkraus: Today at #Europride, thousands marched for human rights, LGBTI rights and fundamental freedoms. I’m so proud and impressed by the bravery of this community here in Belgrade. Together we keep on fighting for a brighter tomorrow. 🏳️🌈✊
Pride is about resistance.
Pride is about resilience.
Pride is about fighting for our rights - even against powerful opposition.
Today, thousands of people stood up not only for the LGBTI* community, but for fundamental values.
I am so proud of this wonderful community 🌈😘✨
RT @NatalieAmiri: Heute im #Iran in Saqqez bei Beerdigung von #MahsaAmini nahmen viele Frauen aus Protest ihr Kopftuch ab. Masse rief: Tod dem Diktator. Mahsa musste sterben weil sie von der Sittenpolizei zu Tode geprügelt wurde. Sie trug ihr Kopftuch „nicht ordentlich“. Video: @AlinejadMasih
RT @OIIEurope: We walked! ✊🦄🌈 So happy and honored to take part in the #EuroPride2022 in Belgrade. Thanks to the organizers @belgradepride and to our local #intersex colleagues! 💛💜💛
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Feminism. Social justice. Fundamental Rights. Co-President of @GreensEFA in the European Parliament (she/her). 🌈🇪🇺✨