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RT by @TerryReintke: Ponad 1️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ osób było dziś na ❗ Idziemy po wygraną 15 października ✌❤🇵🇱


[2023-10-01 14:11 UTC]

RT by @TerryReintke: Ponad 1,5 miliona osób na 💚

Tak wygląda zjednoczony naród. Za 14 dni wygramy i przywrócimy normalność!✌️


[2023-10-01 14:18 UTC]

POLAND ❤️❤️❤️
What a beautiful, strong, inspiring, huge crowd of Polish people standing up for their country yesterday.
For freedom.
For democracy.
For rule of law.
For a strong Poland in Europe.
Your energy is simply breathtaking.
Full solidarity 🇪🇺❤️🇵🇱


[2023-10-02 08:57 UTC]

RT by @TerryReintke: Thank you Terry!
For freedom.
For democracy.
For rule of law.
For a strong Poland in Europe.


[2023-10-02 09:25 UTC]

RT by @TerryReintke: Our press release on the result of parliamentary elections held in over the weekend, signed by co-chairs @Melanie_Vogel_ & @thomaswaitz and @GreensEFA co-presidents @TerryReintke & @ph_lamberts:


[2023-10-02 16:25 UTC]

Thank you,
, for coming to the European Parliament.
The fight for progressive politics, for justice and a Greener future is now more important than ever.
2024 will be a crucial year to stand up against authoritarianism - both in the US and the EU.
Let’s do it.


[2023-10-10 16:36 UTC]

RT by @TerryReintke: Our MEPs had the pleasure to meet @BernieSanders while he was visiting Brussels this week. 🤩

Progressives unite! 💚💗


[2023-10-12 09:05 UTC]

Today marks one year since my election as co-chair of the most wonderful group in the EP 💚🌈✨
A year full of challenges. But also a year of growing and learning.
Every day, I am happy and proud to work with so many great people trying to make this world a better place.


[2023-10-12 16:36 UTC]

RT by @TerryReintke: 💚 Good luck to the Polish Greens @Zieloni in Sunday’s general elections!

🇵🇱 After 8 years of destructive rule, the stakes are high: access to safe abortions, environmental protection, freedom of speech & the rule of law.

🇪🇺 Go vote & bring Poland back into the European family!


[2023-10-13 06:46 UTC]

RT by @TerryReintke: .@TerryReintke: "Es bleibt unser gemeinsames Ziel: Kein Fußbreit den Faschisten! Und dafür leisten wir als B’90/Die Grünen Widerstand. Anti-Demokraten und Faschisten werden wir uns in den Weg stellen, in Deutschland und in ganz Europa". (1/2)


[2023-10-15 12:44 UTC]

📺 TV en directo | Yolanda Díaz (Sumar) : “Hemos dicho que había gente muy preocupada en nuestro país y hoy creo que la gente va a dormir más tranquila”. Sigue


RT Georg Restle: Stückchen für Stückchen… Nicht nur auf kommunaler Ebene. Aber hat ja alles nix mit Rechtskurs der Union zu tun?


RT Faire Mobilität
: Inzw. haben sich rd. 80 Fahrer mit 70 Lkw dem Protest angeschlossen. Sie kommen aus Georgien, Usbekistan, Tadschikistan, Kasachstan, Kirgisien, Ukraine u. v. d. Philippinen. Anders als letzte Woche konnte heute keiner der Fahrer einen Zahlungseingang vermelden.


RT EL*C - EuroCentralAsian Lesbian* Community
8 European cities are holding protests in solidarity with Italian lesbians. Join us!
Please check carefully the date, time & location - some are happening at different times & on different days!
More to be confirmed. See you there!


Sometimes in politics things look really grim.
But it is exactly in these moments we have to find the strength to keep going and fight for what’s right.
I was recently asked what I do not to lose hope - and I thought I could share it here as well.


RT European Greens
We condemn the violent attack on ecological activists & Green MPs @ibrahimyesilsol & @PerihanKoca by the 🇹🇷 police! As wildfires rage in Turkey, forests are being cleared to expand coal mines. Authorities must stop the destruction of nature & respect citizens’ right to protest!
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Yeşil Sol Parti: Akbelen'de ağacını, toprağını, suyunu koruyan köylülere ve onlara desteğe giden Eş Sözcümüz İbrahim Akın ile milletvekillerimize düşmanca saldıranlar; siz kimin jandarmalığını yapıyorsunuz, kimin hukukunu koruyorsunuz? Talancılar ve yağmacılar mutlaka yaptıklarının hesabını…


RT Lisa Burton 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🇪🇺
As a British immigrant in Spain, 5 yrs ago I still felt angry at UK gov for stealing our FoM, &amp; powerless to do anything. So, I became a campaigner/activist &amp; joined @BremainInSpain
Sept I’ll be speaking @MarchForRejoin in London
If you support too


Finally ✨🌈💕
The summer break is coming.
Going homehomehome and then on holiday:
Sleeping, hiking, running, eating, exploring, puzzling and spending time with the most wonderful human being in the world @Melanie_Vogel_ 💚
Have a great summer everyone.


Hundreds of people took to the streets in Duisburg today to celebrate love, diversity and freedom.
And to protest for equal rights and against an authoritarian backlash.
What a wonderful day.
📸 Markus Laghanke


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