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Η αγάπη πάντα θα νικά - Love will always win. 🌈
Same-sex marriage and adoption is finally set to be legalized in Greece. 🇬🇷
This is a huge win for all LGBTQ* activists 💪🏻
Your decades-long commitment paved the way for this victory. 🏳️‍🌈❤️


[2024-01-11 16:55 UTC]

R to @TerryReintke: This is the research of investigative journalists.

It is not surprising, but still shows how the Far Right in Germany wants to destroy our democracy based on rule of law and fundamental rights. And how they are supported by influential people.


[2024-01-11 17:31 UTC]

RT by @TerryReintke: 7 January 1938 | French Jewish boy Pierre Deutsch was born in Paris.

He arrived at on 10 December 1943 in a transport of 1,000 Jews deported from . He was among 661 of them murdered after selection in a gas chamber.


[2024-01-07 16:00 UTC]

RT by @TerryReintke: 💚 As of 2024, Greens are represented in 8 governments across Europe! 🇦🇹🇧🇪🇩🇪🇮🇪🇱🇻🇵🇱🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇪🇸

🌻 They work hand in hand with MEPs and other politicians to shape progressive and Green policies for all. Greens are the driving force for change across Europe!


[2024-01-05 16:30 UTC]

RT by @TerryReintke: Protest gehört zur . Aber derzeit passiert was anderes.

Rechtsextreme unterwandern u. kapern die , rufen zu Gewalt auf. Die Telegram-Kanäle voller Umsturz-Phantasien. Zeit, dass alle Demokratinnen u. Demokraten dagegenhalten.

Was passiert da? (1/6)


[2024-01-06 09:03 UTC]

That is a pretty clear picture.
And it is true:
Brexit means loss of rights, loss of opportunity, loss of economic strength and yes, also loss of control and sovereignty.


[2024-01-03 09:40 UTC]

The third little star went into the box last night.
We still miss you and keep your star safe. ⭐️
Happy New Year to all our friends in the UK.


[2024-01-01 18:05 UTC]

A year with so many crucial moments for Europe.
Let’s make it a good one.
Love 💚


[2023-12-31 23:15 UTC]

A great European.
A visionary.
A politician who has shaped this continent.
Jacques Delors died today.
But his commitment to a united Europe and the struggle for a stronger union live on.
Rest in peace.
Your spirit will stay with us.


[2023-12-27 18:18 UTC]

RT by @TerryReintke: Wolfgang ist gestorben. Unser tiefes Mitgefühl gilt seiner Familie, seinen Freunden und politischen Weggefährten.
Unser großer Respekt gilt seinem beeindruckendem Engagement als Abgeordneter des Deutschen Bundestags. (1/2)


[2023-12-27 09:22 UTC]

JOYEUX NOËL de Marseille 💕✨🇪🇺
From our little European Christmas to yours:
If you are celebrating or not, hopefully you can have some peaceful and joyful days.


[2023-12-24 18:05 UTC]

More greens in government 💚
was sworn in as deputy minister for climate in Poland.
A good day for the climate.
A good day for Poland.
A good for Europe.
Congrats, Ula 💕✨
I cannot wait to work with you to make Europe greener.


[2023-12-22 18:11 UTC]

RT by @TerryReintke: Nuestro compañero @JoserraBecerra será el nuevo director general de Derechos de los Animales. Su nombramiento supone nuestra entrada en el Gobierno, por vez primera. Gran noticia para reforzar la ecología política en 🇪🇸 y el carácter verde del Ejecutivo.


[2023-12-21 20:04 UTC]

RT by @TerryReintke: Our Group has long fought for a fair asylum &amp; migration system that upholds &amp; is based on the principle of solidarity among EU countries.

@TerryReintke on the new : "the proposed system will ultimately not be workable."



[2023-12-20 09:12 UTC]

Bienvenido in the house of European democracy
🇪🇸 🇪🇺
Europe has no time to lose.
We have to shape our common European future. Now.
We are happy to work for this with a pro-European, progressive government in Spain - instead of another far right party in power.


[2023-12-14 15:00 UTC]

Love &amp; solidarity to all the fearless women in Iran whose courageous fight for freedom and women’s rights inspires the world.
Your struggle illuminates the path towards a free Iran and beyond.
Jina Mahsa Amini, your light shines bright.
Women. Life. Freedom.


[2023-12-12 20:19 UTC]

RT by @TerryReintke: Last week we brought the leaders of Greens/EFA parliamentary groups together in Brussels to exchange thoughts on our political priorities: making sure people are doing better - while combating climate change and defending democracy.


[2023-12-11 11:47 UTC]

Family means caring for each other, in love &amp; solidarity ♥️
Standing up for each other, building a home where no one is left behind
Together with my Green family, as their leading candidate, I want to fight for our home &amp; our future: A strong democratic Green European Union 💚


[2023-12-07 19:39 UTC]

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