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RT @AlexandraGeese: In zeichnet sich eine klare Mehrheit für das rechtsextreme Bündnis im Abgeordnetenhaus und im Senat ab.


Today, a circle closed for me 😍

Running a marathon after 1,5 years of training.

42,195 km, 4:15:56 h.

I am happy and ready for more 💪🏼🌈🇪🇺✨

Some things might take time. But that doesn’t mean they are not worth trying ❤️❤️❤️
RT @TerryReintke: One year after Brexit, I felt it was a good moment to start Project Marathon.

Today’s training result:

26,20 km, 2:36 h.

Some things might take time. But that doesn’t mean they are not …


RT @KharkivPride: The first MetroPride in Ukraine took place 🏳️‍🌈

Today, September 25, the LGBTQI+ community with allies, dressed in embroidery, rode the Kharkiv metro. We showed that we are LGBTQI+ Ukrainian women and men. We take an active part in the struggle for Ukraine.


RT @SMohyeddin: This is what civil disobedience looks like in an Islamic Republic.

For 43 years women in have been forbidden to dance & sing in public or show their hair & they are saying enough. It’s really that simple.


RT @nicolange_: „Wir müssen autokratischen Tendenzen innerhalb der EU ganz dringend Einhalt gebieten. Nur dann kann Europa gemeinsam stärker werden.“ @TerryReintke bei @MunSecConf


RT @ShouraHashemi: Minu Majidi, Mutter von 2 Kindern, erschossen während sie für Gerechtigkeit für protestierte.


RT @MunSecConf: Die beschäftigt das Land. In der ersten Townhall der „Zeitenwende on tour” in Neuss haben @MSCheusgen, @TerryReintke, @n_roettgen, @GrimmVeronika, @m_doebler und @UlrikeDemmer mit hunderten Bürger*innen diskutiert. Danke an alle Beteiligten!


RT @TajudenSoroush: Iranian security forces killed 22-years old Hanana Kia in Mazandaran of Iran last night.


RT @myroslavapetsa: "We, the people of [Russia-occupied] Snihurivka [Mykolaiv region], have gathered to protest against the illegal referendum. Snihurivka has always been Ukraine. We've never wanted to join Russia and we won't"


RT @ernesturtasun: The EU must stand up for women’s rights in Iran. We condemn the killing of Mahsa Amini and call for a full investigation of her murder and the condemnation of the increasingly violent repression against women’s rights in the country. @GreensEFA


RT @DuezenTekkal: 5. Tag der nach dem Mord an . Der laute Aufruhr in den Straßen wird von stillen Protestgesten begleitet: Frauen schneiden sich ihre Haare ab in Solidarität mit der von der Sittenpolizei getöteten Kurdin. |📽️ by Zaynab Azimi, Instagram


RT @VassiliGolod: Er hat’s wieder getan: @ZelenskyyUa spricht die Menschen in 🇷🇺 auf Russisch an. Um zu erklären, was passiert. „Warum müssen Menschen aus Dagestan oder andere immer noch in der Region Charkiw oder bei Donezk sterben? Weil eine Person in Russland das für alle entschieden hat.“


RT @ArioMirzaie: In im Osten des Iran liefern sich Demonstranten Straßenschlachten mit den örtlichen Sicherheitskräften.


RT @AlinejadMasih: Heartbreaking video. More than 40 people got killed be security forces in Iran protest over the murder of . This is in the city of Dehdash, In Amol city more than more than 10 killed. People Telling me that the Internet is very slow But they will stay in the streets.


RT @europaverde_it: L’Italia e l’Europa sono di fronte a un momento di svolta, a una scelta cruciale e molto delicata. L’obiettivo deve essere quello di combattere la e sociale e difendere i diritti. @Melanie_Vogel_


RT @RasmusAndresen: Italy will elect a new parliament on sunday.
We need in the fight for our european democracy, social & climate justice.
We dont need an italian Viktor , we need a strong green & progressive movement in the italian parliament.


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