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@bctallis ?s=21&t=8uJtIZnhX2XcxgmywO7_rQ
RT @SLagodinsky: My take on ban discussion:
1) Debate has been too messy, cuz it was not clear what visas for whom were meant. Some voices called to ban all visas for all Russians, also dissidents, which would be a mistake. BUT if we refocus on tourists only, lets talk business (thread):


@derSchepp This is shameful but re-educating or punishing idiots like that one cannot justify such vast and indiscriminate sanctions. Legally and morally


@APosener Thats not true. Plenty of people in need came now with tourist visa and this was what saved their freedom. And yes lt is complicated cuz democracy and rule of law are. That’s why we are EU and not Putin.


3) (1) It is questionable what sanction goals would a ban of all citizens serve. How does "not able to walk through Paris" advance stopping aggression and how is same ban for Putin opponents advancing such goal? Those are the questions that will be asked. If the goal is regime...


3) EU level: sanctions are subject to legal scrutiny. @EUCourtPress requires at least of sanctions, that is: 1) a legit goal; 2) suitability of proposed sanction to reach it; 3) no less invasive alternatives...


2) (1) ...European diplomatic staff in Russia is thinned out so procedures are/can be slowed down de facto coming to a halt. There is no right to enjoy Berlin dance clubs while your country is killing another nation! So no necessity to process those applications or do so fast.


2) Member states: are free to design their immigration policies as long as refugee option open. Understandable desire of bordering states to Russia to regulate tougher is legit and should be supported. Question is - why do we need a ban, my experience is that...


Summary of the principles I propose (explained later):
- Member states instead of EU
- Toughen and slow down instead of full banning
- EU personal Sanctions: Leave it targeted, make it massive
- Ban tourists, save dissidents. What I mean exactly:


My take on ban discussion:
1) Debate has been too messy, cuz it was not clear what visas for whom were meant. Some voices called to ban all visas for all Russians, also dissidents, which would be a mistake. BUT if we refocus on tourists only, lets talk business (thread):


Today we are marking the second anniversary of the peaceful
democratic revolution in . We remember all the heroes. I think especially of Maksim , a fellow lawyer and politician imprisoned by the Lukashenka regime. ✊⚪️🔴⚪️


@stephanbischoff @bat_luk @sumlenny @CarloMasala1 @Sicherheitspod @GrueneBundestag Klar. Aber es gibt einiges kritisch auszudiskutieren, was russische Gesellschaft, Einstellungen, Selbst- und Nachbarschaftswahrnehmung angeht. Und da gibt es schon ernsthafte und schwierige Diskussionen in der Opposition-Community


@sumlenny @bat_luk @stephanbischoff @CarloMasala1 @Sicherheitspod @GrueneBundestag Würde sagen: Russland-kritisch und Putin(-Regime)feindlich. Das wäre das Richtige. Denn kritisch müssen wir uns auch mit der russischen Gesellschaft auseinandersetzen (wie übrigens mit jeder…)


@JulianRoepcke Im Ergebnis sind wir uns ja einig. Kein Grund sich über Geschwindigkeit der Feststellung zu streiten. Mein Bauchgefühl sagte mir das sofort, aber mein Bauchgefühl ist kein Gradmesser der Objektivität.


Langsam aber sicher verdichten sich die Hinweise, dass der Angriff auf Gefangenenlager ein erneutes Kriegsverbrechen Russlands war. Die Inszenierungstricks sind bekannt. Deutschsprachige Trolls und Desinformationen inklusive. Auch dieses Verbrechen kommt vors


@RegineGuenther @StiftungKlima Großartig. Glückwunsch @RegineGuenther 🌻💚


@MHuckewitz @n_roettgen War aber nicht DIESE Bundesregierung. Sondern die Vorgänger


@n_roettgen Der Stopp der Gaslieferungen ist in der Tat selbstverschuldet: Diese Regierung hat es nämlich als erste Bundesregierung gewagt, sich von zu lösen und die Stirn zu bieten. Was ist daran falsch?


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