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RT @europeangreens: 🇩🇰 Good luck to our member party @sfpolitik in the Danish general elections!

🗳 In a European political landscape marred by recent victories for far-right movements, they offer a bright political alternative built on hope for a better future 💚


RT @DrHananAshrawi: Israel besieged & closed off Nablus city for 2 weeks; at dawn today it carried out a massive military raid using army, intelligence & special forces, killing 5 young men & injuring 22 others. Palestinians who resist are defending themselves & their people. .


RT @MartinKonecny: Unbelievable that despite clear EU policy, @EFSA_EU uses Greater Israel maps erasing Palestine in scientific opinions on export of Israeli avocado & other plants to the EU. Dear EFSA, this goes against int'l law - just as you wouldn't use Russian maps annexing Crimea. @BUrl_EFSA


I denne uge kan du i nyhedsbrevet fra SF i 🇪🇺 læse om:

Kommissionens nye pakker om forurening og energikrise, at EU-Parlamentet holder fokus på ligestilling med en række events - og topmøde i Rådet.

Læs med her👇


RT @RasmusAndresen: Danmark har brug for en stærk grøn & pro europæisk stemme i folketinget. Jeg bakker op om @rasmusnordqvist. @SFpolitik


RT @MartinKonecny: New report of UN Commission of Inquiry finds that Israeli occupation is now unlawful under international law due to its permanence and de-facto annexation of Palestinian territory. 1/4


Ugens nyhedsbrev fra SF i 🇪🇺 handler om:

Den alvorlige situation i Palæstina, , en grønnere transport i EU og så inviterer @Kira_MPH til skattekonference om hvordan et skattefix vil gøre systemet mere retfærdigt - læs mere her 👇


RT @henrikbeha: Genbrug tak! Emballager har vi alle i hænderne mange gange dagligt og engangsforbruget leder direkte til ressourcespild og forurening. Derfor er @PlasticChange i EU Kommissionen idag @MargreteAuken


RT @DCIPalestine: BREAKING: Israeli forces shot 17-year-old Osama Mahmoud Hasan Adawi with live ammunition around 4:40 pm today at the entrance to Al-Arroub refugee camp near Hebron in the southern occupied West Bank. Osama was pronounced dead around 5:30 pm at Arab Society Hospital in Beit Jala.


RT @MartinKonecny: Jerusalem Churches: Reviewing UK embassy location suggests that no peace negotiations are needed and that the continuing military occupation & unilateral annexation are acceptable.
"We cannot believe that this is the message the British government wishes to send to the world."


RT @GraceOSllvn: 👍🏽👍🏽 Two thumbs up for the ocean!!! 🌊🌊🌊

The European Parliament just passed my resolution for better protection of our oceans!

Great language on stopping oil and gas drilling in the arctic, protecting vulnerable ecosystems and effective Marine Protected Areas!


RT @Carl__Valentin: Inger Støjberg siger, SF støtter Mette Frederiksen i tykt og tyndt. Jeg forstår ikke, hvad hun mener.


RT @larskohler: Lige nu dækker vores vindmøller 110% af DKs el-forbrug

Tænk lige over det. Al vores el er ligenu drevet af vind. Det udleder ingenting, forurener ik, er pivbilligt og er en kæmpe fuckfinger til Putin!

Fremtiden er grøn, sund, billig & sikker! Jeg ELSKER vindmøller! ❤️


RT @mzdereus: The Israeli military has killed 40 Palestinian children so far this year. 40 children. Each one precious and irreplaceable. $4 BILLION of US public money given to Israel every year, no questions asked. This has to end. Palestinians deserve freedom and safety.


RT @DrHananAshrawi: Fayez Khaled Damdoum, 18 years old, was shot & killed by the Israeli army in Bethany, Jerusalem today. The killing never stops.


RT @DrHananAshrawi: She brags about being a racist & a supporter of . You'd think the UK is in enough trouble already.


RT @DanielSeidemann: I highly advise those who advocate scrapping the status quo because of freedom of worship to take a hard look at this. Things like these are already being seen at the Temple Mount/Al Aqsa

The ensuing bloodshed will be here, as you watch it on the news with a clear conscience.


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