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Warm welcome to Ulf Kristersson for your first @EPP Summit after your election as Prime Minister @SwedishPM. Your election opens a new chapter for Sweden and for Europe and you can count on our full support!


At the @EPP Summit to prepare today's . Our priority is to help citizens and businesses get through the energy crisis. Europe has already wasted too much time, we need common purchasing, a price cap and a legislative emergency break now!


RT @andrejplenkovic: U Bruxellesu susret s predsjednikom @EPP @ManfredWeber. Izrazio je punu podršku članstvu Hrvatske u i . EPP ima vodeću ulogu u rješavanju ključnih pitanja za budućnost Europe.


In times of Adenauer & De Gasperi energy was one of the founding pillars of the EU. Today President Macron refuses a pipeline to Spain and Chancellor Scholz is proud he extended the life of 1 nuclear power plant by 3 months. We risk to fail in the eyes of history.


On Monday, Russia attacked Kyiv with nearly 30 drones, killing 4 innocents, including a pregnant woman.
Putin is a war criminal.
Putin must lose.
Putin must finally understand that he cannot win this war.
Europe will never stop supporting Ukraine. Never! This message unites us!


Enough time wasted. After a summer of missed opportunities, we need a winter of action, of solidarity. This week European leaders must deliver binding energy solidarity, a real European energy market, and a legislative emergency brake for our farmers and SMEs.


Heartfelt congratulations to Ulf Kristersson for his election as new Prime Minister of Sweden! We are convinced your leadership will deliver the change that Sweden needs and make Europe stronger. You have our full support! @moderaterna @EPP
RT @moderaterna: Nu får vi ordning på Sverige! 💙


RT @BR24: @ManfredWeber kritisiert die deutsche und den 200-Milliarden-Doppel-Wumms der Ampelregierung: Dass die deutsche Strategie in Europa nicht abgesprochen wurde, sei "nicht der Angela-Merkel-Weg".


RT @BR24: @ManfredWeber (CSU) würdigt die kürzlich verstorbene "Mutter Bayerns" und ermahnt seine Partei und CDU-Chef @_FriedrichMerz, Begriffe wie zu unterlassen: "Barbara Stamm würde uns ermahnen, dass wir über Menschen reden."


RT @BR24: EVP-Chef @ManfredWeber fordert am eine und kritisiert gleichzeitig massive Schulden, die nicht nur in Deutschland, sondern in ganz Europa aufgenommen werden: "Wir kommen über die Krisen drüber, aber bezahlen lassen wir es unsere Kinder."


Today we honour the memory of . She was brutally murdered exactly 5 years ago in Malta. Her murder shocked Europe and the world. Five years further there is still no justice, five years further there are too many questions unanswered.


RT @BR24: -Krieg, die , Greta Thunberg und die -Frage - das und mehr diskutiert der im BR Fernsehen mit EVP-Chef @ManfredWeber und Schauspieler Michael Brandner. Sonntag ab 11 Uhr hier:


Good to talk to @IsaCNN about urgent air defence support to Ukraine and the energy challenges in Europe. We must stop trying to understand Putin’s propaganda and stick to the @UN charter. Ukraine has the right to defend itself!


RT @Tsihanouskaya: Thank you, @ManfredWeber & @EPPGroup, for recognizing that our fight for democracy is a battle for European values. I am sure that the path to peace in Europe goes through freedom in Belarus & victory in Ukraine. Let's walk this path together. Because together we are Europe!


Honoured to welcome the leader of democratic Belarus @Tsihanouskaya today. The battle for a democratic is a fight for our European values. Dear Sviatlana, we will support you as long as we must, on your path to freedom and justice. @EPPGroup @EPP


War criminal Putin launches random rockets at Ukrainian civilians. He does not want to win the war, he wants to destroy the Ukrainian people. If ever Germany & France needed to lead, it is on heavy weapons deliveries now. Only deterrence will work to stop Putin.


Die EU-Staaten müssen endlich eine -Einkaufsgemeinschaft bilden. Jedes Land klopft einzeln in Katar oder den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten an. So überbieten sich die Europäer gegenseitig - das ist maximal ungeschickt! Gemeinsam sind wir stärker.


's decision to cut oil production in times of global supply uncertainty is a direct attack to our European interests and the stability of the global economy. We must use all the instruments we have at our disposal to respond to this attack with unity and decisiveness.


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