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RT @MichaelRosenYes: Loving how the broadcast media say the phrase 'welfare cuts' as though it's something neutral or matter-of-fact. Welfare cuts mean pain, hunger, illness and premature death.


RT @PaulBrandITV: NEW: The @LibDems have called for an official inquiry into the Chancellor toasting his mini-budget with bankers.

"While struggling homeowners saw their mortgage bills spiral it seems the Chancellor was sipping champagne with hedge fund managers profiting from the falling pound."


RT @mrjamesob: Johnson completely destroyed any claim the Conservatives could lay to probity, ‘family values’ or law & order.
Truss & Kwarteng have torched any claim to fiscal responsibility.
It’s hard to see what’s left.


RT @EdwardJDavey: Liz Truss and Kwasi Kwarteng shouldn't be away from their desks at Conservative cocktail parties while the British economy nosedives.

This botched budget cannot survive any longer - cancel your conference, get back to work and fix your mess.


RT @CroydonLibDems: @LibDems: It is no good ministers going off to their Conference next week, quaffing champagne while the country is in crisis.

Liz Truss and Kwasi Kwarteng need to get back to their offices and sort this mess out.


What???? What alternative reality do they live in??????
RT @SamCoatesSky: No10 and Treasury ministers reject any notion tonight that there's a crisis. Meetings are continuing on a range of subjects in Number 10 - but there's no big focus on the market turmoil. Ministers in cabinet rubbish the link between Friday's statement and today's turmoil....


RT @AgnesChambre: Senior Tory MP : "Kwasi and Liz will have to go. They have to, they are actually crashing the economy." 
When asked how long he would give them, he says "weeks".


RT @DavidGauke: The people who dismissed the risks of Truss's fiscal policy causing a market meltdown were largely the same people who dismissed the economic risks of a No Deal Brexit. Not a coincidence.


RT @CarolineLucas: This payment for legal advice is an outrageous use of public money to protect someone being investigated for personal conduct in the House. Yes he was PM at the time, but the investigation is about his personal, individual decision to lie. Dressing up as Govt business won't wash


RT @Peston: In the year to date, the value of the pound against the dollar has fallen by more than a fifth. Against the Euro the fall is a smaller but non-trivial 7%. Against the Swiss Franc the fall is more than 14%. In other words the value of UK assets has collapsed under this…


RT @RichardFoordLD: I can think of no better person to take on the Conservatives in Totnes than Caroline. She is a tireless campaigner and advocate for her community. As MP, she would fight to get local people the fair deal they deseve and end decades of Conservative neglect. Best of luck Caroline!


RT @LibDemPress: Liberal Democrat Leader Ed Davey has challenged Liz Truss to recall Parliament and set out in the next 24 hours how she will fix the mess caused by last week's disastrous budget. It comes as the Bank of England has announced emergency measures today.


RT @rogermosey: There must seriously be a question now about whether the House of Commons, and particularly the contingent of Tory MPs who listened to the warnings from Rishi Sunak, has confidence in His Majesty's government.


RT @EdConwaySky: 🚨NEW🚨
On the @bankofengland intervention:
Am told the BoE were responding to a “run dynamic” on pension funds - a wholesale equivalent of the run which destroyed Northern Rock.
Had they not intervened, there would have been mass insolvencies of pension funds by THIS AFTERNOON.


🤦‍♀️this lot spent years cutting bus services. Odd how now they are so keen for others to step in, having done nothing themselves to improve public transport! Looking forward to their support for GCP proposals!
RT @nigelpauley: “Tory Bus summit” .. I’ve seen more people waiting at my local stop for the X3… @johnelworthy @borofergie @StevoGreenall


Important thread for anyone wanting to understand the HUGE mess Truss and Kwarteng have created. We will all pay dearly for their arrogance and incompetence. 🤬
RT @Peston: I am going to try to explain why the Bank of England has gone into the market to buy up to £65bn of UK government bonds with maturities of 20 years or more, including £1bn today. It all stems from a dramatic collapse in the price of these government bonds, called…


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