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Tak for en smuk aften til besætningen på Skoleskibet Danmark. Dejligt, at skibet kan skabe rammen for samtalen om nye bæredygtige løsninger og partnerskaber


Verdens største politiske stafet er i fuld gang i New York. Vi mødes på gadehjørner, i @Denmark_UN, blandt EU-lande og naturligvis til 🇩🇰 kæmper for et styrket FN i en verden i opbrud. Vi skal stå sammen om fælles værdier og rettigheder


Happy to welcome my colleague @WBHoekstra in Copenhagen. In a time of rising uncertainty, it is crucial to have such a strong and likeminded partner as 🇳🇱. Very constructive discussion on how to help Ukraine and become independent of Russian fossil fuels


Energy and security goes hand in hand. Proud that Rønne Havn will be a key in boosting offshore wind energy production in the Baltic Sea - addressing both green energy transition and our energy security supply


Borders should unite us and pave the way for friendly cooperation. Happy to mark 🇩🇰🇵🇱 border agreement here on the beautitul island of Christiansø tonight with my good colleague @RauZbigniew


Stigende gaspriser & udfordringer med forsyningen bla. som konsekvens af krig i Europa, gør den grønne omstilling kun mere presserende. Godt at besøge @Topsoe_Official og høre, hvordan @DanishMFA & @thetradecouncil kan hjælpe med at fremme deres eksport af grønne løsninger


Good to welcome my Czech colleague FM @JanLipavsky in Copenhagen today 🇩🇰🇨🇿 We share many priorities and values in this critical time for Europe - on security, , energy etc. Looking forward to support Czech EU Presidency, unity in Europe needed more than ever.


Stor ære at møde de danske soldater i Letland 🇩🇰🇱🇻
Tak til jer for at sikre tryghed og sikkerhed her i Baltikum. Det er tydeligt, at jeres indsat er enormt værdsat


Countering Russian is a high priority for Denmark. Glad to visit NATO @STRATCOMCOE and hear about their important work


Being here in Lithuania at the meeting it is obvious that Putin is a threat to his neighbors. It is also clear that the Nordic and Baltic unity is stronger than ever. We will stand together to counter Putin’s imperialistic ambitions 🇱🇹🇱🇻🇪🇪🇫🇮🇮🇸🇳🇴🇸🇪🇩🇰


RT @AnnLinde: Reunited with close Nordic-Baltic friends! 🇸🇪🇩🇰🇳🇴🇮🇸🇫🇮🇱🇻🇱🇹 Soon @UrmasReinsalu 🇪🇪 will join.


RT @AnnLinde: Discussion on how to enhance security, incl. energy security, in the Nordic-Baltic region, deepen cooperation as future Allies & increase support and unity for . 🇸🇪 will contribute to strengthening NATO’s defence capabilities & jointly meet our security challenges.


Stor ære at holde tale for udsendte, pårørende og veteraner her på . Jeres indsats og afsavn vil aldrig blive glemt. Stolt over at Danmark igen og igen viser mod til at tage ansvar i verdens brændpunkter - også når det er svært 🇩🇰 Af hjertet tak.


Thanks for your warm welcome in Kyiv, @DmytroKuleba. And for great company traveling together. International relations is also about personal relations. Appreciate our close friendship. I travel home with a steadfast belief that you and 🇺🇦 will win this war.


We must work day & night to ensure that the perpetrators are held accountable in . Emotional visit to the suburbs of Kyiv, where some of the most horrendous war crimes have been committed.


RT @DmytroKuleba: Welcoming @JeppeKofod in Kyiv. He was received by @ZelenskyyUa and then we held detailed talks. I am grateful to Denmark for standing with Ukraine on many fronts: from weapons to sanctions and recovery. Since the times of vikings, Ukrainians and Danes are stronger together 🇺🇦🇩🇰


Denmark is fully committed to supporting 🇩🇰🇺🇦 Military, humanitarian & financial support right now - incl to prepare for winter and short & long-term reconstruction. My main message to @DmytroKuleba & @Denys_Shmyhal today. Thanks for good meetings in 🇩🇰🇺🇦


Inspiring meeting w/ Ukrainian president @ZelenskyyUa. Your leadership has animated action and resolve - in & abroad. Humbled to receive Ukrainian Order of Merit. Will keep working tirelessly for a free & prosperous future for Ukraine to return the honour 🇺🇦🇩🇰


Happy to be back in beautiful to underline Denmark’s unwavering support to the Ukrainian people 🇩🇰🇺🇦 We have provided more than € 400 million in military support so far - and more will come. We are in this for the long haul. Slava Ukraini!


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