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Good news from ! Unity in EU to suspend visa facilitation agreement w/ . Will make it more difficult for Russians - incl tourists - to get a visa. Sends a strong signal to Putin of European unity and resolve in this critical time.


Essential meeting w/ colleagues in . Will push for new EU measures to limit visas for Russian tourists - while still leaving the door open for dissidents etc. We must increase our joint pressure on Russia wherever possible.


Very disappointed that Russia blocked consensus at . 🇩🇰 Will continue to work with allies and partners to realize the aims of the Treaty. As I said at the conference: will remain a fundamental and irreplaceable cornerstone of international rules-based order
RT @JeppeKofod: The current security situation means that the road to a world without nuclear weapons is too long. The best way to shorten that road is to r…


RT @nsnielsen: Socialdemokratiet: Medierne har alt for travlt med at dæmonisere og hetze mod Mette Frederiksen.

: Det passer i hvert fald ikke!

Ekstra Bladets nye chefredaktør:


Disheartened by Serbia’s decision to cancel the @EuroPride 2022. When I last year met the activists @BelgradePride they were looking forward to host the event.
rights are human rights, and human rights are essential to the EU 🇩🇰 🇪🇺 🌈


RT @GermAmbDNK: Tidens udfordringer kræver tæt samarbejde: Første 🇩🇰🇩🇪 handlingsplan fordyber vores samarbejde omkring bl.a. energi og sikkerhed.
Skrevet under af udenrigsministrene @ABaerbock og @JeppeKofod i Kbh i dag. Stor dag for vores landes venskab.


Proud to sign the action plan for closer coop. between 🇩🇰 and 🇩🇪 with @ABaerbock
We will strengthen our political, cultural and economic bonds and we will be front-runners in the green transition. This is needed more than ever after Russia’s brutal invasion of Ukraine


Strongly condemn deadly Russian attack on civilians - including children - in . Another cruel attempt by the Kremlin to crush brave Ukrainians celebrating their independence. I commend the heroic courage of all Ukrainians who fight for their country & freedom.
RT @DmytroKuleba: Terrorist Russia keeps killing Ukrainian civilians. At least 15 killed in a Russian missile strike on a train station in Chaplyne, Dnipropetr…


RT @AHuitfeldt: Svært gode samtaler med min kjære venn @JeppeKofod i København i dag. FNs sikkerhetsråd, Ukraina og energi på dagsorden. 🇩🇰🇳🇴


Tak for god debat om verdens tilstand og det danske kandidatur til FN’s Sikkerhedsråd hos @AltingetDK. Vi skal tale meget mere FN i de kommende år. For at skyde debatten i gang, udgiver regeringen i aften en hvidbog om FN, Danmark og en verdensorden under pres. Glæd jer!


Happy Independence Day to🇺🇦
I always appreciate meeting with the many kind and brave people of
Today is a reminder that Ukraine is a free and independent country. Their fight for liberty is a fight for freedom for all


RT @Spolitik: For 17. måned i træk stiger antallet af lønmodtagere i Danmark.
Udviklingen er ikke kommet af sig selv. Vi har i fællesskab håndteret coronapandemien, og regeringen har ført en ansvarlig og retfærdig økonomisk politik, hvor vi har investeret i mennesker og jobskabelse.


Glad for at tale til de mange erhvervsledere, entreprenører, kulturledere mm. i 25+ lande der udgør Copenhagen Goodwill Ambassadors
Tak for at repræsentere 🇩🇰 ude i verden. Jeres arbejde for at promovere 🇩🇰 værdier og løsninger betyder meget. Tak for det!


RT @DanishMFA: Denne uge er alle 🇩🇰 ambassadører samlet til det årlige ambassadørmøde.

De skal blandt andet mødes med statsministeren, udenrigsministeren og udviklingsministeren og diskutere emner som sikkerheds- og forsvarspolitik, 🇩🇰 FN-Sikkerhedsrådskandidatur og udviklingspolitik.


Very pleased to welcome the new @USAmbDenmark Alan Leventhal to Denmark this morning. Our ties are strong, and getting ever closer. The alliance between 🇺🇸 and 🇩🇰 is key for our common security, and we stand together in the fight for freedom and democracy in the world.


We must continue to work for disarmament and towards a nuclear free world. In a time where use nuclear threats to back up an illegal war and undermine international conventions, the work done by @Inakamitsu and her team is more important than ever


The current security situation means that the road to a world without nuclear weapons is too long. The best way to shorten that road is to reduce current nuclear risks. That was my message when I spoke today at the on behalf of 🇩🇰🇸🇪🇳🇴🇫🇮🇮🇸


RT @Denmark_UN: Today the begins kicking of 3 weeks of negotiations and meetings at the . 🇩🇰foreign minister @JeppeKofod is in New York to underline DKs ongoing commitment to the as the cornerstone of nuclear and non-proliferation


Constructive meeting hosted by @SecBlinken today at
In a time of rising global insecurity, it’s more important than ever to preserve & strengthen the and work for nuclear disarmament


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