RT by @JFLopezAguilar: 🇪🇺 Here is a link to the EP procedure file with names of key players and links to relevant documents on EU Treaty Reform. The names of key MEPs I have given are for those who come from the EP Committee that is leading on this issue.
Note: There are other names on this list from other EP committees that gave "opinions" to the lead Committee. Each of these Committees appointed a team of MEPs to lead on producing their "opinions". Some of suggestions made by other committees were taken on board by the lead committee and some were not.
For example the EP's Civil Liberties & Women's Committees led by two Spanish socialist MEPs @JFLopezAguilar @linagalvezmunoz demanded that a specific reference to "gender identity" and "gender expression" be included in the Treaty reform. The lead committee did not incorporate these proposed amendments into the text they are voting today.
Here is the link: https://oeil.secure.europarl.europa.eu/oeil/popups/ficheprocedure.do?reference=2022/2051(INL)&l=en
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/WORIADS_eu/status/1727298839185441067#m
[2023-11-22 12:11 UTC]