RT by @HelgaTruepel: Die EU-Kommission genehmigt Beihilfe für #Northvolt Batteriefabrik für Elektroautos in Heide. Solche Investitionen sind Investitionen in die Wirtschaftssicherheit Deutschlands und Europas.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/BMWK/status/1744346759621398956#m
[2024-01-08 13:14 UTC]
RT by @HelgaTruepel: Baerbocks Änderung bei Export #Eurofighter nach Saudi-Arabien ist richtig. Frage von Rüstungsexporten hat im Systemkrieg weitreichende Dimension: Es geht nicht nur um Saudi-Arabien und die Unterstützung Israels, sondern auch um unseren Sicherheitspartner Großbritannien, künftige Sicherheitskooperationen und DEU Rüstungsindustrie als wesentlichen Bestandteil eines erforderlichen Umdenkens in der SiPol, damit unsere Rüstungsindustrie wettbewerbsfähig und ein aktives Instrument deutscher Interessenpolitik bleibt. Ansonsten verpufft die Zeitenwende auch hier. Daß @GrueneBundestag es sich nicht leicht machen, ist verständlich, umso besser ist das Umdenken im Auswärtigen Amt. @cducsubt @AuswaertigesAmt
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/RKiesewetter/status/1744297420563911114#m
[2024-01-08 09:58 UTC]
RT by @HelgaTruepel: Was für ein Missverständnis, was für eine Anmaßung. Kontrollieren jetzt die Bauern die Ausweise?
Ihr habt gefälligst jeden durchzulassen. Weil, wer ganze Straßen blockiert, sich nicht aufs Demonstrationsrecht berufen kann (das ohnehin für Menschen und nicht für Traktoren gilt)
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/Claudiusseidl/status/1744087778806186367#m
[2024-01-07 20:05 UTC]
RT by @HelgaTruepel: Thus wrote Amos Oz in August 1967 (2 months after the Six Days War) in the social-democratic newspaper 'Davar':
"We must tell the residents of the occupied districts simple and clear things: we do not covet your land. We did not come to Judaize you. We will sit and rule here until a peace agreement is signed. A year, a decade or a generation, and when the day comes - the choice will be in your hands...
We were not born to be a nation of masters. 'To be a free people' - we are destined that this wish will resonate in our hearts as long as we have not lost our humanity.”
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/faniaoz/status/1743627851079762190#m
[2024-01-06 13:37 UTC]
RT by @HelgaTruepel: A remarkable interview worth watching. Egyptian writer @daliaziada - a profile in morale courage - says that on October 7, Egyptian media reported that Hamas attacked Israeli soldiers.
Some days later she joined 300 journalists, writers, activist from the Arab world to see videos recorded by Hamas on that day.
"I saw the horrors in these videos, I was angry at the Egyptian media, and specifically the Arab media, because of the volume of lies they were spreading about what happened that day.
They were trying to portray the situation as if Israeli soldiers were fighting Hamas and did not explain that Hamas assaulted civilians on the morning of their holiday and inside their homes. What is even worse is that the videos prove that people were tortured before they were killed. Civilians, children, infants in their beds were tortured and cut to pieces, and women were raped."
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/AvivaKlompas/status/1743309921058202037#m
[2024-01-05 16:34 UTC]
RT by @HelgaTruepel: Nach ZEIT-Informationen bot das BKA Habeck an, ihn per Schiff oder Hubschrauber von der Hallig zu bringen, als sich an Land die Proteste formierten. Habeck lehnte ab. Er wollte mit den Leuten reden.
Was bedeutet dieser Abend für ihn?
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/bertpsch/status/1743376526182092921#m
[2024-01-05 20:58 UTC]
RT by @HelgaTruepel: In den neuen russischen Geschichtsbüchern für die 11. Klasse heißt es, Donald Trump habe die Wahl 2020 „aufgrund offensichtlichen Wahlbetrugs durch die Demokratische Partei“ verloren.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/andikynast/status/1743401871077720356#m
[2024-01-05 22:39 UTC]
RT by @HelgaTruepel: Eskalation an der Fähre
Stellungnahme von Wirtschaftsminister Robert Habeck:
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/andikynast/status/1743211662721622483#m
[2024-01-05 10:03 UTC]
RT by @HelgaTruepel: Eine zweimonatige Recherche der »New York Times« hat neue Beweise für Vergewaltigungen und Verstümmelungen von Frauen während des Angriffs der Hamas auf Israel am 7. Oktober ans Licht gebracht. https://www.juedische-allgemeine.de/israel/hamas-verstuemmelte-und-vergewaltigte-frauen-systematisch/
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/JuedischeOnline/status/1743215764310569289#m
[2024-01-05 10:20 UTC]
RT by @HelgaTruepel: Die Diskussion um ein Aussetzen der #Schuldenbremse aufgrund des Hochwassers führt zu nichts. Es wird so getan, als gäbe es schon eine Lösung, nur warte man auf den passenden Anlass. Die wirklich relevante Debatte ist die über eine Reform oder ein Transformations-Sondervermögen.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/DerDanyal/status/1743234287682347047#m
[2024-01-05 11:33 UTC]
RT by @HelgaTruepel: @kann_news airs a broad report: a pattern of repeated 7/10 sex crimes by #Hamas, in both the Nova Festival and the kibbutzim, against women and men, in ways preplanned to humiliate and dehumanize, including organ cutting and shots into sex organs. https://www.kan.org.il/content/kan-news/local/669353/
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/faniaoz/status/1743237062797488530#m
[2024-01-05 11:44 UTC]
Ich finde die Schlagzeile von
nicht nur ekelhaft, sondern gefährlich für den Zusammenhalt in unserer Gesellschaft, geradezu verantwortungslos!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/HelgaTruepel/status/1743244173162041669#m
[2024-01-05 12:12 UTC]
RT by @HelgaTruepel: Amar - a young, handsome as hell Bedouin man,father of 2 small children, arrived in Sderot on the morning of October 7th, to visit his brothers. On the road,he saw a mother with 2 little girls, screaming for help from a car. Their father was shot to death in the same car. Amar watched what was happening, while talking to his father, who begged him to go home, but Amar said: "Dad, I must help a mother and 2 little girls, they are in danger”. Amar got into Odaya's car, telling the little girls to hid in the back, trying to drive them to safety, but the #HamasTerrorists approached the car and shot repeatedly at Amar and Odaya, executing them both. The little girls stayed hidden, like Amar told them to…and were not hurt. The girls (3 and 6, in the bottom photo) remained orphans. So are Amar’s 2 little children back home…
Amar is an Absolute Hero and one day someone should tell the girls this extraordinary story of a man who could have run away to his own children, but he chose to stay and save them, paying with his life. What a brave MAN… 🙏🕯️
(Inspired by a story from @NoaMagid ).
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/miradulescu/status/1743015095997776251#m
[2024-01-04 21:02 UTC]
RT by @HelgaTruepel: Breaking: an Israeli cabinet meeting was just dispersed by Netanyahu after extremist Likud and Otzma Yehudit ministers shouted at IDF Chief of Staff Halevi.
Ministers Gallant and Gantz defended the CoS and shouted back. Sounds like total chaos.
The trigger: the army’s decision to set up an internal investigation commission for the 7/10 failures, headed by politically moderate former general and defense minister Shaul Mofaz. (The extremists blame him for being “part of the preconception“ that led to the disaster).
My take: Netanyahu’s coalition hinges on his precarious, self-interested tightrope walk between a couple of responsible adults and a bunch of raving lunatics. Very hopefully, its days are numbered.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/faniaoz/status/1743053152998347012#m
[2024-01-04 23:33 UTC]
RT by @HelgaTruepel: Back in May, our questions to the international community were so naively polite.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/faniaoz/status/1743060212473381209#m
[2024-01-05 00:01 UTC]
RT by @HelgaTruepel: There will be an IDF investigation, probably reliable. An official legal commission, which Netanyahu will postpone as long as he can, and try to influence.
I think we should also set up a civil inquiry commission, with responsible and professional men and women, unbiased and deep delving. It may not enjoy formal status, but its findings could be useful.
Beside all these, we already see the beginnings of serious investigative journalism. Very good people on that front.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/faniaoz/status/1743069331829776646#m
[2024-01-05 00:38 UTC]
Auch die
müssen klare Grenzen ziehen und demokratischen Protest deutlich von Gewalt und Übergriffen trennen.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/HelgaTruepel/status/1743164558699536623#m
[2024-01-05 06:56 UTC]
RT by @HelgaTruepel: Gibt es noch Privatsphäre?
Was ist aus hartem, aber anständigen pol. Diskurs geworden?
Und wenn #Habeck s Gesprächsangebot abgewiesen wurde, worum gehts dann?
Aus Gedanken werden Worte. Aus Worten werden Taten #gerufeneGeister
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/dunjahayali/status/1743171524935479691#m
[2024-01-05 07:24 UTC]
RT by @HelgaTruepel: Do you know what I do these days when I don’t teach or write? I am editing the testimonies of 7/10 massacre survivors from one of the kibbutzim.
Right now, it’s the harrowing account of the kibbutznik who commanded the small civilian guard, facing dozens of terrorists.
As they fight their way from house to house, they try to get families to safety. People are hiding in closets and safe roofs, but in some homes no one answers.
I have just reached the part where he finds a 90-years old, “a charming, lovely, lovely woman” shot in the head. Next door, a man is sitting on the sofa, shot in the stomach and then in the head. “He was so kind, he must have smiled his sweet smile to the terrorist”.
Trolls and deniers of Israel’s right to exist will be blocked from my feed on my next entry. I am in no mood for idiots.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/faniaoz/status/1742956935802982474#m
[2024-01-04 17:11 UTC]
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ EX-Mitglied des Europäischen Parlament,EX-Kultursenatorin, Grüne,Vorsitzende Europa Union Bremen, Romanliebhaberin, Yoga.Motto:ohne Angst verschieden sein