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9/20 Earlier in the spring I tweeted my opinion that the civilized world should intervene preferably sooner than later. I was heavily rebuked by pretty much everyone in Finland for "war-mongering", and my resignation was demanded from many corners.


8/20 The effect of these declarations is that they give Mr Putin limits WITHIN WHICH he can do whatever he likes without having to fear a direct confrontation with the West. He has been effectively told that he can bomb and destroy Ukraine for as long as he feels like it.


7/20 The biggest mistake the West has made during the conflict is that we declare publicly what we are not going to do. "We will not send troops to Ukraine." "We will not send fighters." "We will not send long-range missiles." "We will not send modern tanks."


6/20 It is a bit late to try and not antagonize Russia. They are already antagonized by the aid that has been and is being given to Ukraine. There is also no specific reason not to antagonize them more. They will not risk a conflict they would certainly lose.


5/20 Or do we still respect Mr Putin's "red lines", the crossing of which would lead to WW3? How would that happen? Russia can afford a nuclear war just as little as everyone else, and it can afford a conventional conflict much LESS than the West.


4/20 What exactly is the "escalation" that we fear? That Russia would start bombing Ukrainian cities or infrastructure outside of the war-zone proper? That they would try to hit the Western supplies?

Wake up. There is not much that they could do that they are not doing already.


3/20 Secondly, Russia is a country waging a war of aggression. If Russia, for example, launches missiles against Ukraine from its own territory, those launch facilities are relevant and legitimate targets from any perspective, moral, legal, or otherwise.


2/20 This is a very silly way of thinking, for many reasons. As has been pointed out, you can hit targets on Russian soil with a hand-grenade if you go close enough to the border.

Ukraine does not need range to attack Russia but to hit Russian military targets.


1/20 Russia is terror-bombing Ukraine with missiles, fired from a safe distance, purposefully selecting civilian targets with no military value.

At the same time, we are reluctant to give Ukraine weapons with enough range to hit targets on Russian soil. For fear of escalation.


4/4 Ideologian mädättämän tutkimuksen kritisoiminen leimataan "tiedevastaisuudeksi". Kuitenkin juuri mädätys itsessään tuhoaa sekä tieteen että sen uskottavuuden.


3/4 "Kaikki asiantuntijat" saattavat olla yksimielisiä siksi, että ne, jotka ovat väärää mieltä, savustetaan ulos tutkijayhteisöstä ja he muuttuvat entisiksi asiantuntijoiksi. Tai he eivät edes hakeudu alalle, koska haluavat suojella omaa integriteettiään.


2/4 Juttu panee miettimään, onko yhteiskunnassamme muitakin aihepiirejä, joissa "kaikki asiantuntijat" ovat yhtä mieltä ja "asiantuntijamielipide" on jyrkässä ristiriidassa kaikkien näkemän todellisuuden kanssa.


@SarasvuoJari Suomi saa rahalla luottamuspääomaa. Lisäksi Tuppurainen voi päästä jonkun ison saksalaisen lehden kanteen!

Lompakossa vähän kirpaisee, mutta - Möllerin mainosta lainaten - "kyllä sen kestää, kun tietää, miten hyvää se mulle tekee".


@tariqnasheed Note also that the same symbol occurred on the backside of Finnish coins before Finland went €.



@kajakallas @MarinSanna @SwedishPM Thank you (dear former colleague from the EP)!

Unfortunately there is little reason for celebration. Hopefully this development will prevent future tragedies although it will not stop the one we have in Ukraine.

Elagu Eesti, слава Україні!


A non-political tweet:

How are English-speakers expected to pronounce "Türkiye"? I would assume most of them do not know what kind of sound ü stands for, and even if they do, most of them cannot produce it as there is nothing similar in English.


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