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@JuhaRistamaki Ymmärrän, että IL:n toimituskunnalla paineet purkautuvat, mutta hihkumisen ja pullistelun keskellä kannattaa muistaa, että edessä on vielä pari vaihetta, joissa tarvitaan kaikkien jäsenmaiden - myös Turkin - tuki.

Jos vain oltaisiin tyytyväisiä, kun kaikki ovat tyytyväisiä?


13/14 Что делать? What to do? asked writer Chernyshevsky in 1863. Keep standing by Ukraine in words and deeds to help them destroy the invader until there is no more invader. And hope that either Russia eventually runs out of tanks and soldiers or something happens within Russia.


12/14 It is very unlikely Russia would (honestly) accept any peace that included the existence of an independent Ukraine. There is thus not much sense in negotiating. Agreements with Russia are not worth the paper they are printed on.


11/14 It seems increasingly clear that Russians will not stop until their ability to continue the war is physically destroyed. They are guided by the "sunk cost fallacy". Why stop now when so much has already been lost and there is no return to how things were in any case?


10/14 Realistic casualty figures can wait for better times. At the moment, the only important thing is to stop the Russian invasion. Any weapon that serves this purpose, be it rocket launchers or info-warfare, is a legitimate weapon.


9/14 Without optimism and confidence Ukrainians will lose the war. Without them the Western sanctions and aid will become politically unsustainable. Defeatism and everything that feeds it serve Russia and should therefore be shunned and avoided.


8/14 One can also read critical analyses about the Ukrainian information warfare being overly optimistic or propagandistic. Of course it is propaganda. So what? The purpose of propaganda is to boost moral and self-confidence. Propaganda is a weapon.


7/14 We do not have to think about the war 24/7. We just need to continue systematically to punish Russia and help Ukraine, for the said reasons. This is what matters, not how we feel.


6/14 The Russian invasion is wrong, and it is morally right for us to do anything we can to stop it. It is also dangerous for everyone if Russia is in any way rewarded for its aggression. Thus it is in our own interests to do anything we can to help defeat Russia.


5/14 Excitement and anger were crucially important to get us going in February and March. They made the historical sanctions against Russia and the military aid to Ukraine possible. As emotions cool down, rational thinking and general moral principles must take over:


4/14 It is physiologically and psychologically impossible to stay excited and agitated forever. People run out of adrenaline and cool down. There is no reason to feel bad about that or expect anything else from oneself or others.


3/14 The question reflects our emotion-centered zeitgeist. Events are less important than our emotional responses to them. Events are relevant only as long as they have the power to evoke strong feelings in us. When we march for Ukraine, is it really about Ukraine or ourselves?


2/14 Increasingly often, one encounters in editorials and columns the question: Is the Western public losing its interest in Ukraine as the war drags on? (Though this may be a case of projection: "I am losing MY interest, and I would feel less bad about it if you did the same.")


1/14 Ukraine has resisted the Russian invasion for 123 days. This is truly remarkable not only considering all predictions in February but also against historical parallels, such as the German invasions of Poland (1939) and France (1940) or the Soviet invasion of Finland (1939).


@ninnubostrom Ainahan nimitykset ovat Yhdysvalloissa olleet poliittisia, niin myös useimmissa muissa maissa. Riippumattomuus tarkoittaa sitä, että tuomioistuin tekee ratkaisunsa itsenäisesti, ottamatta ohjeita tai käskyjä poliittisilta päättäjiltä.


Trump on suomalaisen vasemmiston perinteisillä linjoilla: korkeimman oikeuden ratkaisu on taivaallinen totuus!


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