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Completely inexplicable that @BBCr4today interview about the Casey report turns into an attack on Sadiq Khan


@PCSoblahdeehell Hi Peter. I’m afraid we couldn’t afford to carry on paying for the hosting and so it’s lost


Completely disingenuous response from Hunt on @BBCr4today

Using the NHS workforce crisis caused by Tory spending cuts as a cover for a tax break for those with large pensions is shameful

That money should be used to fund a fair public-sector pay deal and end the strikes


@WDKimball Hi William. Life expectancy in those countries has increased markedly. The point is we are falling down the league table in terms of health improvements compared to other countries like ourselves


‘In 1950s, UK had one of the longest life expectancies in the world, ranking seventh globally behind countries such as Denmark, Norway and Sweden, but in 2021 the UK was ranked 29th’

Growing inequality a major cause


The morning after the before

Conclusion: we are all a lot poorer because of . . .

Twelve years of self-defeating Tory cuts

And the disastrous decision to leave the EU

Our broken politics is undermining our economy and our society


@jeremymarchant @TheGreenParty That's the whole point of the investment

We agree with CPRE that everybody should have a bus every hour from within walking distance of their home


This comment is spot on

The chancellor has added an enormous tax loophole for the wealthy to solve a very specific problem for better paid NHS workers

Almost as if he’s using the NHS workforce problem as an excuse to help out his rich friends
RT @PJTheEconomist: "Listened to concerns of senior NHS clinicians" says Mr Hunt. Changing pension tax relief as a result. Should have changed NHS (and other public sector) pension schemes. Sledgehammer to crack a nut.


It’s always the holes that leave you depressed after a Tory budget

🏭 No green industrial strategy
🏡 No home insulation programme
💷 No pay offer to end public-sector strikes
🚍 No increased investment in public transport

Another wasted opportunity


Chancellor’s offer to fund childcare for younger children is welcome

But why is he waiting until April/September 2024/2025 to introduce it?

He probably won’t even be the Chancellor then, so this is no sort of offer at all


More harsh measures for those on universal credit: a disgrace

@TheGreenParty would increase universal credit by 50%

And introduce a universal basic income to support people’s inclusion in society as well as in the economy

RT @ashcowburn: Jeremy Hunt says benefit sanctions will be applied more "rigourously".

Probably a good idea for the Government to publish this first.


‘If we had same economic inactivity rates as Sweden we would have a million additional people in workforce’

If we had health services as good as those in Sweden those million people would be fit and able to work

Invest in our public services, Chancellor!


“Conservatives believe work is a virtue” says the Chancellor

The millions of people on NHS waiting lists are desperate to work but not able

I imagine this comment is rather hard for them to swallow


Investing in nuclear guarantees that we will miss the window to keep our climate within a liveable limit

Failing to tackle issues of energy demand and installation of renewables right now is a tragedy for future generations


Big bucks are going to carbon capture and storage

Unproven and largely an excuse for not reducing emissions

@TheGreenParty would invest in a massive insulation programme to reduce demand

And invest in tidal lagoons, hydrogen, and storage to balance grid


Investment in the green economy is urgently needed

@TheGreenParty supports a tax deduction to encourage investment

But only for green businesses

It’s not just about size; we need positive green activity, not growth at any price or in damaging sectors


£200m extra for potholes would have amused Keynes, going alongside tax break for drivers

This really is digging holes and filling them in

What we need is a vision for a green economy and investment in public transport

Especially £1 fare to get you there


Suggestion that we can have 12 Canary Wharfs is absurd

The UK only has one financial centre and it’s in decline

Enterprise Zones will encourage tax avoidance and are more likely to cause economic displacement than growth


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