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It takes courage to be a soldier
But it also takes courage to make peace
A moving demonstration here from Yocheved Lifshitz


[2023-10-24 07:54 UTC]

I'm delighted to support
to be the next Equality and Diversity Coordinator
I've worked with him on GPEX and I know he is a voice of reason and a person who works for unity and consensus


[2023-10-23 07:06 UTC]

EU-funded report calls for wealth of super-rich to be taxed, not income
agrees: wealth tax is a key plank of our economic policy
We also need to:
💪🏽 Shut down shell companies
💰 Minimum corporate tax rate
🏝️ Abolish secrecy jurisdictions


[2023-10-23 07:13 UTC]

Government abandon plans to allow more pollution by house builders
Following campaign in the Lords led by green peer
'Could losing two by-elections on the same day have made govt pause their anti-environmental mission?' she asks wryly


[2023-10-21 06:54 UTC]

I'm full of admiration for Guterres who has shown real courage in this crisis
His call for an immediate ceasefire is the right one
But he needs to go further and reactivate negotiations towards the end of two countries both safe within their borders


[2023-10-20 18:19 UTC]

A potential public health crisis was predictable and predicted
The fact that it happened so soon is just another indication of government incompetence
Braverman and Sunak focused on photo ops rather than solving problems


Great to see Stroud fighting back against the obscenity that calls itself 'the light'
They are deliberately targeting good lefties like yourself to ensure you are woke and you resist


It's clear that the government isn't capable of governing
'So why don't they just call an election?', I hear you ask
The answer seems to be that they are clinging on for the final months to channel cash to their mates
A depressing thread about the reality of the UK oligarchy
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Matt Edwards 🟢: The figure £1.6billion is being used to refer to the fiasco linked to the .
But surely this isn't how much the government is paying to hire a single barge?!
Well. It's not.
The reality is worse.
A short 🧵


Re @DaveKeating Hi Dave
The worst of this is that most of our bulletins in the U.K. *begin* with either Trump or one of his supporters saying the legal cases are a political attack
Why are *journalists* doing this? - even the BBC?
Gorka interviewed on Today programme!


Very excited about general election campaign in
@sianberry is an amazing politician with just the kind of gutsy, no-nonsense approach that has made @CarolineLucas a national treasure
Join @TheGreenParty and help us get her elected!
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Caroline Lucas: Wow!! An amazing turnout in today to launch the campaign to elect the brilliant @sianberry as the new @TheGreenParty MP for Brighton Pavilion. Never more important to keep strong Green voice in parliament


Twitter has become so typical of authoritarian products
Nothing works properly
Nobody trusts it
All the quirkiness around the bird tweeting eliminated
Not to mention the awful fascistic branding
So sad


Tory cuts to aid budget mean deaths of thousands of women in Africa
A quarter of budget now spent illegitimately on housing asylum seekers in UK
Another shameful indictment of this immoral government
More international opprobrium


One of many, many ways in which a green life is a happier and healthier life
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Brent Toderian: A global study reveals that Dutch residents are the most physically active on earth, getting 12.8 hours of exercise each week. The key—designing activity into daily life. The average person cycles about 1,098 kilometers per year. HT @Cycling_Embassy


Why is BBC giving Gorka a platform?
His US citizenship is in question because he
‘concealed membership of a far-right anti-Semitic Hungarian organization’
Not legitimate balance
Would they be platforming Lord Haw Haw?
Reith is turning in grave


Re I live in Stroud and my bike still make me very happy
It’s an electric bike now, but still true


Those of us who care about the climate are in an information war with the fossil fuel industry
This is a forensic analysis of the weapons they're using
Since this is an existential struggle it would be good to familiarise yourself with them
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Assaad Razzouk: The number of oil trolls on my LinkedIn and Twitter feeds has seen a remarkable increase, some collecting 1,000+ replies
Top 10 Disinformation “Tag Lines” Peddled by Big Oil Trolls (courtesy of Big Oil + politicians, PR firms, lawyers and consultants on payroll)


'Climate Emergency Too Important to be a Party-Political Battle'
More than half of British people think we should act to reach Net Zero more quickly!
Both Labour and Tory politicians must face down the lobbyists and JUST GET ON WITH IT!


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