RT @MJohnsonSG1: Fine event hosted by our friends @WalesInEurope -great to hear @derekvaughan speak about Wales as a European country with ongoing commitment to close & positive relationship with 🇪🇺 partners. Also congrats Eleanor Vaughan - new Head of Wales Office, taking over from David Tripp.
RT @_WHEB_: Welsh Government Representative to Europe @derekvaughan and @Swansea_Alumni sharing Wales’ commitment to European engagement including the @TaithWales international exchange programme with guests in Brussels this evening
RT @WalesInEurope: Great to have so many friends join us for our summer reception on such a sunny evening. A great occasion to wish our old head of office a fond farewell and a warm welcome to our new one!
RT @derekvaughan: Great to welcome our friends from across Europe to the @WalesInEurope event tonight.
RT @Catalogne_FR: 🗣️ Le délégué, @JosepGaliIzard, a inauguré hier la conférence sur les droits linguistiques en Europe organisée par le @CasalCatNantes qui a compté sur l'expertise du professeur Philippe Blanchet @UnivRennes_2 spécialiste de la glottophobie.
Merci @MaisondelEurope pour l'accueil !
RT @Catalonia_EU: 📸 Representative @GorkaKB held a meeting with Welsh representatives for Europe @derekvaughan and Eleanor Vaughan to collaborate on #cybersecurity, #minimumincome models, and exchange on international learning in which Wales has its @TaithWales program
RT @EA_CoR: #CoRplenary debate with @PiratIvanBartos on the #EU2022CZ where @cllrkmac recalled the richness of enlargement in May 2004 and this will give hope to #Ukraine, #Moldova amongst others. He quoted Seamus Heaney's "Beacons of Bealtaine" a poem composed for a new Europe.
RT @_VictoriaAlsina: Un honor presentar-ho amb el ministre-president flamenc, Jan Jambon, i el president de Bratislava, Juraj Droba. Catalunya no està sola, lidera la iniciativa “Regions for EU Recovery” que @exteriorscat crea per teixir aliances a Europa.
RT @_VictoriaAlsina: És massa cabdal per rendir-nos. Ahir el @govern de Catalunya va fer lobby a la #UE juntament amb 31 regions de 10 estats membres. Ens hem unit per presentar a les institucions europees un estudi que confirma que els fons europeus són més eficaços quan les regions hi participen.
RT @elle_dau: @jpagesm @pilar_llop Madame la ministre ment.
Madame la ministre ment.
Madame la ministre ment.
Madame la ministre ment.
Madame la ministre ment.
Vote résolution PACE 2381(2021 (instrument juridique du CeO en vigueur).
Déclassification rapport de suivi après vote JUR.
RT @jpagesm: i 4…
Encara una baula més en el flagrant incompliment dels standards de l’Estat de Dret europeu: informe Cilevic, el cas dels jutges catalans, i ara l’ONU condemna Espanya per la matança a Melilla.
Una ministra mentint.
L’informe Cilevičs ha estat aprovat, desclassificat i publicat.
RT @joseprull: I mai ha demanat disculpes per aquesta infàmia. Mai.
RT @EA_CoR: "With the Conference on the #FutureOfEurope we are only beginning the process and scratching the surface of what needs to be a continuous mechanism for citizen consultations. A lot to learn from LRAs in this regard!" says @cllrkmac at @EU_CoR plenary debate with @GuyVerhofstadt
RT @_VictoriaAlsina: He denunciat al plenari del Comitè de les Regions #CoRPlenary que la #CoFoE hagi exclòs dues de les propostes més votades:
🔹El reconeixement del català com a llengua oficial
🔹L'establiment d'un mecanisme que permeti l'autodeterminació d'un territori sense sortir de la UE
RT @Catalonia_EU: The @catalangov will denounce the #CatalanGate before the @coe. Spain must implement the Convention 108 on the protection of citizens' personal data. This was another conclusion of the meeting with @W_Wiewiorowski, the European Data Protector Supervisor
RT @Catalonia_EU: 📸 Catalan FA Minister @_VictoriaAlsina met with the European Data Protector Supervisor @W_Wiewiorowski. He asked the @catalangov to provide all the documentation about the #CatalanGate to denounce the abuse cases by the states
RT @EA_CoR: "It is unacceptable that young Jewish people feel they need to leave our countries and cities for security concerns; we need to work with communities and allow our #Jewish citizens to live in safety", says @KarlVanlouwe during @EU_CoR plenary debate on #Antisemitism
RT @Catalonia_MX: Asimismo, tras la presentación del #FIC50 #Cervantino, el delegado @LleirDaban también pudo platicar con el Gobernador @diegosinhue de #Guanajuato, Estado anfitrión del #Cervantino. Ambos comentaron la colaboración entre ambos territorios en innovación, emprendeduría y cultura.🤝
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Delegat del Govern de la Generalitat davant la UE 2021/2022. Europarlamentari 1999/2001. Vicepresident del Parlament basc 2001/2005. Cantant. Kantaria.