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Today we are co-hosting with
the Global Gateway High-Level Education Event.
The event aims to highlight the EU's role in transforming global education and bridging skills gaps.
Watch the live streaming here from 9.00AM :!VMycyR

[2024-04-11 06:30 UTC]

R to @EU_Commission: 🔸 Embedding migration in international partnerships

A new paradigm embeds migration in international partnerships to prevent irregular departures and loss of life, fight migrant smuggling, reinforce cooperation on readmission and promote legal pathways!kPyqQK

[2024-04-10 17:01 UTC]

R to @EU_Commission: 🔹 Effective system of solidarity and responsibility

The Pact strikes a balance between clear rules for all EU countries to take up their share of responsibility for managing migration whilst ensuring none are left alone to cope with disproportionate pressures.!fx7WXm

[2024-04-10 17:01 UTC]

R to @EU_Commission: 🔸 Fast and efficient procedures

With the Pact, fast and efficient procedures for asylum and return and strong legal safeguards will be in place – including better support for vulnerable people, such as children.!N9cdV7

[2024-04-10 17:01 UTC]

R to @EU_Commission: 🔹 Secure external borders

The EU will have more secure external borders, with screening and border procedures and crisis protocols as well as tools to tackle instrumentalisation.!C8cWGt

[2024-04-10 17:01 UTC]

Migration is a European challenge that requires European solutions.
Following today's votes by
, our Union can harness the strong and effective legal framework provided by the Pact on Migration and Asylum.
In 2020 we promised a fresh start. We are delivering it ↓

[2024-04-10 16:55 UTC]

RT by @EU_Commission: Migration is a European challenge which must be met with a European solution

This is what the Pact on Migration & Asylum delivers.

For more secure borders.

Faster, more efficient procedures.

And more solidarity with Member States at external borders ↓

[2024-04-10 16:39 UTC]

Today a new European citizens’ initiative was registered!
Learn about the organisers’ proposal and check out all open initiatives.
ℹ️ Read more →!vQMdPx

[2024-04-10 14:24 UTC]

2023 was the fourth worst year since 2000 regarding areas scorched by wildfires.
Last year we also witnessed the single largest fire ever to occur in Europe since the 1980s.
We call for enhancing prevention using the resources made available through the

[2024-04-10 13:28 UTC]

R to @EU_Commission: Nine Clean Transition Dialogues have taken place so far.

Industry and social partners confirmed their strong commitment to shape and implement the .

Europe will continue to support the industry in developing a business model fit for a decarbonised economy.

[2024-04-10 12:20 UTC]

RT by @EU_Commission: The New European Bauhaus has become a dynamic movement.

One that enriches the lives of citizens & communities across Europe and the world.

Now, it's time to scale up.

Ensure stable funding, diversify sectors, and promote competitiveness ↓

[2024-04-09 16:12 UTC]

"It took ChatGPT just 60 days to reach 100 million users. Instagram needed more than two years to reach that number.
The rise of General Purpose AI models brought new benefits, that we simply could not imagine.
But it brought about a new consciousness of its possible risks."
— Speech by Executive Vice President
on technology and politics at Princeton.

[2024-04-09 16:01 UTC]

"Oppenheimer understood that some technologies do not simply add something to the world. They change it completely.
Digital technologies change the world as we know it.
And today, Europe is at the forefront of the global efforts to govern tech."
— Speech by Executive Vice President
on technology and politics at Princeton.

[2024-04-09 15:45 UTC]

R to @EU_Commission: Among others, parties will refrain from:

🔸 Producing, using, or disseminating discriminatory statements and biases against specific groups

🔹 Running political ads sponsored by undeclared interests or engaging intermediaries to place campaign messages without attribution

[2024-04-09 12:04 UTC]

We need to uphold the integrity of our elections in Europe.
The new Code of Conduct for the 2024 European Parliament Elections will help increase confidence in the electoral process.
With its signature, European political parties commit to ethical and fair campaign practices ↓

[2024-04-09 12:02 UTC]

The EU is working around the clock to sustain power supply in Ukraine.
Thanks to 🇦🇹🇩🇪🇸🇪🇳🇱 and our rescEU stockpiles, we are mobilising a new batch of power generators to Ukraine.
Russia's plan to bomb Ukraine into darkness will not succeed.

[2024-04-09 11:29 UTC]

R to @EU_Commission: The new law makes political advertising more transparent and establishes stronger protections against foreign interference and manipulation.

It will be easier for voters to identify paid content and find out who paid for it and how the ad was targeted.

[2024-04-09 10:42 UTC]

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