🍕 Pizza got 16% more expensive in the EU 🇪🇺 last year😱
Highest increase ↗️
🇭🇺 Hungary 46%
🇱🇹 Lithuania 39%
🇧🇬 Bulgaria 37%
Smallest hikes ⬇️
🇱🇺 Luxembourg (+7%)
🇮🇹 Italy (+10%)
🇫🇷 France (+13%).
RT @EU_Eurostat: 🍕💰In December 2022, highest increase in #inflation for pizza and quiche in the EU in:
🇭🇺Hungary (+46% compared with December 2021)
🇱🇹Lithuania (+39%)
🇧🇬Bulgaria (+37%)
🇱🇺Luxembourg (+7%)
🇮🇹Italy (+10%)
🇫🇷France (+13%)
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EURESJob/status/1633143958673973248
Do you fancy a job 💼 making tasty pizzas around the EU? 🍕 EURES has nearly 8000 opportunities for any pizzaiolo ⤵https://ec.europa.eu/eures/portal/jv-se/search?page=1&resultsPerPage=10&orderBy=BEST_MATCH&keywordsEverywhere=pizza&lang=en
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EURESJob/status/1633143961593192448