🍕 Pizza got 16% more expensive in the EU 🇪🇺 last year😱

Highest increase ↗️ 
🇭🇺 Hungary 46% 
🇱🇹 Lithuania 39%
🇧🇬 Bulgaria  37%  

Smallest hikes ⬇️ 
🇱🇺 Luxembourg (+7%)
🇮🇹 Italy (+10%) 
🇫🇷 France (+13%).
RT @EU_Eurostat: 🍕💰In December 2022, highest increase in for pizza and quiche in the EU in:
🇭🇺Hungary (+46% compared with December 2021)
🇱🇹Lithuania (+39%)
🇧🇬Bulgaria (+37%)

🇱🇺Luxembourg (+7%)
🇮🇹Italy (+10%)
🇫🇷France (+13%)


🐦🔗: n.respublicae.eu/EURESJob/stat

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