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On 26 FEB 🇪🇺 COS, Capt Torrecillas participated in the Shared Awareness Meeting, co-organized by the @Info_Fusion_Ctr & the Asian Shipowners’ Association (ASA) in 🇸🇬, stressing the importance of complying with BMP5 & MSCHOA's voluntary registration scheme-VRS


Today #@OpComd_EUNAVFOR met with 🇫🇷ADM Vaujour, Deputy Chief of Defence Operations, in Paris. Discussions on the achievements & new challenges of & contribution of 🇫🇷France to 🇪🇺👉 Host Nation, personnel & assets @EtatMajorFR @eu_eeas @MarineNationale


After a successful handover with the frigate , as the flagship of , the frigate returns home, venturing the Suez Canal. They have completed a successful deployment, contributing to . BZ, fair winds and following seas!


Today welcomes 🇫🇷 in Associated Support to the Operation. The @MarineNationale Eridan-class minehunter ANDROMEDE 643 joins the rest of assets to protect vulnerable & vessels & grant in the West Indian Ocean & Red Sea


On 15 February, the OpCdr 🇪🇺 VA Núñez Torrente🇪🇸, chaired the Change of Command Ceremony between 42 & 43 FHQ Rotation, led respectively by 🇵🇹Cmdre Cortes Lopes and 🇪🇸Capt Ibáñez Martín and the shift of flagship. Keep reading 👉


Before HOTO, the FCdr🇵🇹 delivered the Common Security & Defence Policy Service Medal to 🇪🇸 crewmembers and the 42nd Rotation of the Force Headquarters. We congratulate and thank the sacrifice and commitment of all 🇪🇺 members. @MarinhaPT


On 15 February, was invited to attend the launch of the National Action Plan for enhancing 🇸🇴Women in Maritime Sector. Some relevant members of @TheVillaSomalia @EU_in_Somalia @UNSomalia @EUCAPSOM @UNODC @UNEP @ilo @FAOSomalia participated at the HVE.
RT @UNSomalia: The immense economic potential of 's - and the role that women can play in it - was spotlighted at the recent launch of the 's Women in Maritime Se…


🇪🇺Together we go further provider
RT @EmbEspItalia: Cooperazione attiva nel Mediterraneo centrale tra la fregata @Armada_esp 🇪🇸 e il Pattugliatore d'Altura della @ItalianNavy 🇮🇹 durante il transito della nave spagnola verso l'area di operazioni della @EUNAVFOR 🇪🇺.

📸 @EMADmde


🇪🇺 wishes all our 🇱🇹colleagues & friends, a happy !
Nuoširdžiausi sveikinimai su Vasario 16-tąja - Lietuvos Valstybės atkūrimo diena! Sveikinu! @LTUArmedForces @Lithuanian_MoD @LithuaniaMFA @LithuaniaInEU @LithuanianGovt


🇪🇺 Operation Atalanta wishes all our 🇷🇸colleagues & friends a happy ! Срећан Дан Државности Републици Србији!

@mo_i_vs @eusrbija @MFASerbia


On 11 February, the CDR of @French_CSG RADM Christophe Cluzel paid a visit to 🇪🇺 FCdr, onboard 🇪🇸. The 🇫🇷 CSG led by the was in Associate Support to Atalanta in recent weeks, enhancing 's capabilities as


RT @EU_FPI: platform fosters interoperability & strengthens . How?

Through security exercises like this one held with regional partners in the Gulf of Aden, where 5 maritime agencies from the region were joined by @EUNAVFOR & @EUCAPSOM


Force Headquarters looks forward to welcoming you to very soon! 🇲🇪🤝🇪🇺@eu_eeas @ChairmanEUMC
RT @defence_mne: Načelnik Generalštaba Vojske Crne Gore, brigadni general Zoran Lazarević, razgovarao je sa kapetom korvete Ivanom Lakovićem, koji će biti upućen u pomorsku misiju @EUNAVFOR , čiji je cilj suzbijanje piraterije u vodama Roga Afrike i zapadnog Indijskog okeana.


Last week, the Commander of the 🇺🇸 @CJTFHOA, MGEN Jamelle Shawley & her deputy, BGEN Valerie Jackson, paid a visit to the FCdr of 🇪🇺. The strong cooperation between and CJTF-HOA enhances stability and ensures the in the region.


RT @French_CSG:
So many flags for so much cooperation in :
🇪🇬 🇸🇦 🇩🇯 🇴🇲 🇦🇪 🇮🇳 🇸🇬 🇺🇸 🇪🇺 🇪🇸 🇮🇹 🇯🇵

As France is a resident country of area, the operate with all its partners for the stability of this region


The Boarding Team of flagship conducts regularly friendly approaches in the area of operations. During these actions, 🇪🇺 takes the opportunity to present our missions & convey safety to fishermen & other local vessels, providing our support if necessary


has warmly bidden 👋 to our colleagues from 🇵🇱 🇪🇸 🇮🇹. Congratulations to all of them!
We, the 🇪🇺 team, sincerely appreciate your job, commitment and support. BZ!@Armada_esp @ItalianNavy @MinisteroDifesa @MarWojRP @Poland_MOD @FORE_CIOR_ES


First maritime security & interdiction at sea exercise with regional coastal states agencies & forces ➕ , as a joint operation, using platform & coordinated with @EUCAPSOM Somalia support
Pictures👉 @EUCAPSOM & @CrimarioII
@UEaDjibouti @eu_eeas


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