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⚖️ 01/06 (J): Restrictive measures (T-723/20)
⚖️ 02/06 (O): Compensation for the buyer of a vehicle fitted with a defeat device (C-100/21)
⚖️ 02/06 (O): Use of a trademark on an online sales site @LouboutinWorld (C-148/21,C-184/21)


To see all of our past tweets celebrating 70 years of the , just click the hashtag and make sure to follow us.


#1969: However, in Stauder, the Court found that the decision concerned did not infringe fundamental rights.


#1969: As a result the acquired, through the general principles of Community law, a system for protecting fundamental rights.


#1969: The Court ruled that fundamental rights are “enshrined in the general principles of Community law and protected by the Court”.


#1969: Mr Stauder, concerned by this butter price reduction system, considered that this mention was contrary to the general principles of Community law.


#1969: To be able to benefit from such a rate in , it was necessary to have a card mentioning the consumer's name.


#1969: This judgment concerned an @EU_Commission decision allowing Member States to sell butter at a reduced price to certain categories of consumers who benefited from social assistance.


#1969: In 1969, in Stauder (29/69), the Court recognised the protection of Fundamental Rights as an integral part of the Community legal order.


Over the year we will be tweeting a thread for each of the Court's 70 years of existence. Today: #1969


To see all of our past tweets celebrating 70 years of the , just click the hashtag and make sure to follow us.


#1968: However, this implementation of national law must not prejudice the full and uniform application of Community law.


#1968: In a law case, the Court ruled that national authorities can intervene against a cartel, in application of their national law, even when the examination of the position of this cartel is pending before the Commission (14-68, Walt Wilhelm)


#1968: Thus, in 1968 the Court organised for the first time the Forum for Judges of the Member States which since then each year brings together the members of the Court and national judges.


#1968: The Court perceived the importance of dialogue with the representatives of the judicial systems of the Member States.


Over the year we will be tweeting a thread for each of the Court's 70 years of existence. Today: #1968


: An accused person who cannot be located may be tried or convicted in absentia but has the right, subsequently, to secure the reopening of the proceedings in his or her presence 👉


: Italian social security legislation applies to @Ryanair flight and cabin crew not covered by E101 certificates who work for 45 minutes per day at airport and who, for the remaining working time, are on board its aircraft 👉


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