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🚫 The EU has imposed sanctions on further individuals and entities involved in North Korea's illegal weapons programmes and in supporting Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine.
From 1 January 2024 to 30 May 2024, North Korea launched at least 22 ballistic missiles.

[2024-05-31 12:10 UTC]

The decisions taken by the EU have an influence on your everyday activities, great and small.
Click on an image below to learn more or visit!3Cbr9j

[2024-05-31 09:01 UTC]

EU trade ministers discussed the future of EU trade policy, and EU-Africa trade and investment relations.
They also exchanged views on the follow-up to the 13th WTO ministerial conference.
Main results of the

[2024-05-30 14:13 UTC]

✔️ integrated
✔️ interconnected
✔️ synchronised
This is what Europe’s power system should be like.
Today, energy ministers approved conclusions to advance work on a more coordinated electricity grid in the EU.

[2024-05-30 12:45 UTC]

The EU is increasing tariffs on grain products from Russia and Belarus.
The new rules:
📌 protect the EU market from being disrupted
📌 halt Russian exports of illegally obtained Ukrainian grain
📌 prevent Russia from using revenues to fund its full-scale invasion of Ukraine

[2024-05-30 12:00 UTC]

RT by @EUCouncil: ADOPTED: @EU_Council gives final green light for the EU 🇪🇺 and Euratom to leave the .

Member states wishing to stay can vote for its modernisation.

🌍 Read our press release 👇

[2024-05-30 09:50 UTC]

New steps to make banks more resilient to possible shocks.
With the new rules implementing
, the aim is to help banks:
💪 increase resilience
🔍 strengthen supervision
⚙️ reinforce risk management
Find out more about BASEL III and its benefits for EU citizens 👇

[2024-05-30 11:00 UTC]

🚨 New EU anti-money laundering laws
The Council has adopted new rules to close loopholes and extend the existing framework.
A new authority will ensure that the rules are applied consistently.
How does money laundering work, and how do the new rules counter it? 👇

[2024-05-30 10:30 UTC]

An updated agreement between the EU and Serbia aims to:
☑️ organise joint operations between Frontex & Serbian border guards
☑️ deploy border management teams in Serbia
☑️ assist in managing migratory flows
More ⬇️!bpWKr4

[2024-05-30 09:58 UTC]

Just adopted: new rules promoting the repair of goods ✅
These include:
🔧 a right for consumers to claim the cost of repairs to producers
📄 a European repair information form
🖱 an online repair platform that connects consumers with repairers
See →!gQ3FTJ

[2024-05-30 09:36 UTC]

Final greenlight to the EU-Kenya economic partnership agreement, which provides
📌 duty-free & quota-free EU market access to all exports from Kenya
📌 partial & gradual opening of the Kenyan market to EU imports
The EU is Kenya's 1st export destination and 2nd trading partner.

[2024-05-30 08:58 UTC]

Happy national day to all Croatians!
🇭🇷 & 🇪🇺: Croatia is the latest country to have joined the euro area – it did so last year on 1 January 2023.
For info about the Council in Croatian, check out →!3QHkHd

[2024-05-30 06:45 UTC]

Sretan Dan državnosti, Hrvatska!
Zajedno s ostalim državama članicama EU-a, Hrvatska u Vijeću raspravlja i pregovara te donosi zakonodavstvo EU-a.
Kako to funkcionira? Doznajte na našim internetskim stranicama ↓

[2024-05-30 06:30 UTC]
| Trade ministers will meet in Brussels on 30 May to discuss:
✅ the future of EU trade policy
✅ EU-Africa trade and investment relations
✅ follow-up of the 13th WTO ministerial conference
More information ⬇️

[2024-05-29 12:30 UTC]

38 years ago today the EU's 12-star flag 🇪🇺 became the de facto flag of what was then the European Communities.
The circle of stars stands for unity, harmony and solidarity among member states.⭐The 12 stars represent completeness and perfection.
More 👉!yC4kqd

[2024-05-29 05:56 UTC]

EU defence ministers discussed:
➡️ EU military support for Ukraine with
➡️ how to enhance defence readiness
They also adopted conclusions setting out 5 main priorities on security and defence.
More information:!7MxXJY

[2024-05-28 16:46 UTC]

Since the start of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, the EU's role as a security and defence actor has been significantly strengthened.
In the conclusions adopted today, the Council highlights the need to further increase defence readiness and enhance sovereignty.

[2024-05-28 12:17 UTC]

Foreign affairs ministers discussed military support to Ukraine, the situation in the Middle East & Georgia law on transparency of foreign influence.
They adopted sanctions in response to human rights abuses and information manipulation in Russia.!FNryWp

[2024-05-27 19:33 UTC]

Main points discussed by EU agriculture ministers today:
✅ farmers’ protests and how to manage crises in the future
✅ market issues in the context of Russia’s war

[2024-05-27 16:49 UTC]

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