In my intervention I stressed that ideology has pervaded EU economic & trade policy. New rules are being made without any foresight of their impact.
Let's choose our trading partners for mutual business benefits and diversify to reduce our exposure to external players & ensure a stable supply of raw materials. Only those rules should pass that strengthen competitiveness & reduce the administrative burden on companies.
This is the only way to job creation, not further indebtedness.
Only 1/5 of the #recoveryfunds have been allocated so far. 5 MSs, including #Hungary, have not received any money at all. By withholding these funds, the COM is undermining 🇭🇺 competitiveness. This is unacceptable. The COM should stop political games and disburse the funds asap.
COM should urgently change direction. Instead of over-regulation, we need business-friendly environment & lasting reduction of #energyprices.